Content Posted in 2025
2D van der Waals Inorganic Oxychloride Proton Conductor, Daniel Hashemi, S. Ohta, H. Nozaki, H. Jia, N. Singh, T. Arthur, and H. Iizuka
A Comparative Study of Oral Fluency Between Native Japanese Speakers and L2 Learners at Multiple Proficiency Levels, Maki Hirotani, A. Kukada, and K. Matsumoto
A Computational Model of Developmental Exaptations, Jason Yoder, A. Renner, E. Marois, J. Fiorito, and J. Ashworth
A Correction and Further Improvements to the Chevalley-Warning Theorems, Rachel L. Petrik and D. B. Leep
A Direct Method for Teaching and Measuring Engineering Professional Skills: A Validity Study for the National Science Foundation’s Research in Evaluation of Engineering and Science Education (REESE), Jay McCormack, Ashley Kranov, Rochelle Williams, Patrick Pedrow, E. Schmeckpeper, and S. Beyerlein
A High-Bandwidth Parallel Active Balancing Controller for Current-Controlled Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converters, Nathan Brooks, Ravishankar Iyer, I. Z. Petric, R. S. Bayliss, and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski
Analysis and Differential Equations at Primarily Undergraduate Institution, William Green and Katharine Ott
An Engineering Design-Oriented First Year Biomedical Engineering Curriculum, Jay McCormack, Kay C. Dee, Patricia Brackin, Anneliese Watt, Alan Chiu, Glen A. Livesay, Renee Rogge, and Richard House
An Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping for Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Tissue Phantom Experiments, Robert Throne, Lorraine Olson, Adam Nolte, Allison Crump, Kaelyn Griffin, Tianhong Han, Nicolae Iovanac, Thomas Janssen, Michael Jones, Xiaoyin Ling, and Michael Samp
Artificial 2d Van Der Waals Inorganic Oxychloride Anhydrous Proton Conductor, Daniel Hashemi
Assessing Team Member Citizenship in Capstone Engineering Design Courses, Jay McCormack, Denny Davis, Michael Trevisan, Robert Gerlick, Howard P. Davis, Steven Beyerlein, Phillip L. Thompson, Susannah Howe, Paul Leiffer, and Patricia Brackin
Assessing Team Member Citizenship in Capstone Engineering Design Courses, Patricia Brackin, Denny Davis, Michael Trevisan, Robert Gerlick, Howard P. Davis, Jay McCormack, Steven Beyerlein, Phillip L. Thompson, Susannah Howe, and Paul Leiffer
Asynchronous Learning Environment for Integrating Technical Communication into Engineering Courses, Carlotta Berry and Patricia Carlson
BB-Align: A Lightweight Pose Recovery Framework for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception, Lixing Song, W. Valentine, Q. Yang, H. Wang, H. Fang, and Y. Liu
Beijing’s Culinary Crusade: Erasing Uyghur Identity through Food, Tim A. Grose
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations, Rachel Atherton, Corey Taylor, Patricia Brackin, Benjamin Collier Jelen, and Jay McCormack
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations, Patricia D. Brackin, Rachel Atherton, Benjamin Collier Jelen, Jay McCormack, and Corey Taylor
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations, Benjamin Collier Jelen, Rachel Atherton, Patricia D. Brackin, Jay McCormack, and Corey Taylor
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations, Jay McCormack, Rachel Atherton, Patricia Brackin, Benjamin Collier Jelen, and Corey Taylor
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations, Corey Taylor, Rachel Atherton, P. Brackin, Benjamin Collier Jelen, and Jay McCormack
Buckling Mediated by Mobile Localized Elastic Excitations, Eduardo Vitral, R. S. Hutton, E. Hamm, and J. Hanna
Characterization of collimation quality of Gaussian beams obtained from engineered diffusers, Syed Reza, M. Kim, A. Krajecki, and A. Imeri
Classifying with Uncertain Data Analysis, Allen Holder and C. Garner
Classroom Learning Activities to Support Capstone Project Assessment Instruments, Jay McCormack, Denny Davis, S. Beyerlein, Howard P. Davis, Michael Trevisan, Susannah Howe, Javed Khan, Patricia Brackin, P. Leiffer, and Phillip L. Thompson
Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Jessica L. Anderson, Stephen Chenoweth, Rebecca DeVasher, Richard House, Jessica Livingston, Mark Minster, Corey Taylor, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams
Conjugated Copolymers That Shouldn't Be, Daniel Hashemi
DC-Link Capacitors for Twice-Line Frequency Power Decoupling: Design-Oriented Figures-of-Merit With Empirical Application, Nathan Brooks, F. Giardine, and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski
Design and Implementation of a Minuscule General Purpose Processor in an Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course, J.P. Mellor, Archana Chidanandan, and Laurence Merkle
Design and Implementation of a Minuscule General Purpose Processor in an Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, and J.P. Mellor
Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Corey Taylor, Patricia Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Richard House, Mark Minster, Jennifer Mueller Price Civil Engineering, and Kyle A. Rhodes
Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Elton Graves, Patricia Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Richard House, Mark Minster, Jennifer Mueller-Price, Kyle A. Rhodes, and Corey Taylor
Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Kyle A. Rhodes, Patricia Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Richard House, Mark Minster, Jennifer Mueller-Price, and Corey Taylor
Developing Institute Wide Student Learning Outcomes, Shannon Sexton, Timothy Chow, Rebecca DeVasher, and Julia M. Williams
DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS). I. Analysis of 0.9 Million Light Curves, E. Melton, E. Feigelson, M. Montalto, G. Caceres, A. Rosenswie, and C. Abelson
DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS). II. Hundreds of New TESS Candidate Exoplanets, Eliabeth Melton, E Feigelson, M. Montalto, G Caceres, A. Rosenwie, and C Abelson
Do Celebrities Make Ads More Effective?, Alan Jern
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: Simulations and Experimental Validation with Force Data, Lorraine Olson, Robert Throne, Emily I. Rusnak, and Jonathan P. Gannon
Enhance undergraduate research by incorporating an entrepreneurial mindset, Irene Reizman, M. Nezafati, M. Benton, J. Peponis, Michelle K. Marincel Payne, B. E. Johnson, K. Van Treuren, and L. Liu
Enhancing Student Learning through Using and Writing EPSA Scenarios, Jay McCormack, E. Schmeckpeper, A. Kranov, Michael Kelley, and S. Beyerlein
Entrepreneurial Biomechanics: Innovating Fracture Analysis and Fixation Techniques, Adel Alhalawani
Entropy Generation Analysis for Heat Exchanger Operation Subject to Step Changes in Inlet Conditions, Thom Adams and Austin Nash
Entropy Generation Analysis for Heat Exchanger Operation Subject to Step Changes in Inlet Conditions, Austin Nash and Thomas Adams
Estereotipos y Distorsiones de la Dieta Indigena en Dos Novelas Indigenistas, Gustavo Garcia
Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams
Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Patrick Ferro, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams
Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, David Fisher, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams
Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Shannon Sexton, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams
Evolution of Embodied Agents on a Numerical Cognition Task: Sequential Counting, Eduardo Izquierdo
Fizeau interferometry-based motion-free characterization of surface radius of curvature using actively-controlled varifocal optics, Syed Reza, M. Kim, and A. Imeri
Force-Based Stiffness Mapping for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Robert Throne, Lorraine Olson, Emily I. Rusnak, and Jonathan P. Gannon
Further Improvements to the Chevalley-Warning Theorems, Rachel L. Petrik and D. B. Leep
How good are collimated Gaussian beams produced from engineered diffusers?, Syed Reza, M. Kim, A. Imeri, and A. Krajecki
IDEALS: A Model for Integrating Engineering Design Professional Skills Assessment and Learning, Denny Davis, Michael Trevisan, Howard P. Davis, Steven Beyerlein, Susannah Howe, Phillip L. Thompson, Jay McCormack, Patricia Brackin, and Javed Khan
Implementing Tablet Computers in the Technical Communication Classroom: Measuring the Impact of Mobility on Communication Skills, Shannon Sexton and Julia M. Williams
Improving Engineering Education with Enhanced Calibrated Peer Review Assessment of a Collaborative Research Project, David R. Voltmer, Patricia Carlson, Arlene Ann Russell, Warren N. Waggenspack, Chester Wilmot, Boz Bowles, W. Todd Monroe, Warren R. Hull Sr., and Dianne Raubenheimer
Improving Student Laboratory Experiences through Integration of Instructions, Worksheets, and Computer Code using LiveScripts, Austin Nash and Diane Peters
Incorporating Student Peer-Review into an Introduction to Engineering Design Course, Carlotta Berry, Patricia Carlson, and David R. Voltmer
Incorporating Student Peer-Review into an Introduction to Engineering Design Course, David R. Voltmer, Patricia Carlson, and Frederick C. Berry
Integrated Design Engineering Assessment and Learning System, Denny Davis, Howard P. Davis, Michael Trevisan, Jay McCormack, Steven Beyerlein, Phillip L. Thompson, Susannah Howe, P. Leiffer, Patricia Brackin, R. Gerlick, and O. Harrison
IONiC VIPEr: The Catalyst I Want; The Semiconductor I Need, Stephanie Poland
Jingu Gaien Redevelopment Sparks Outrage in Tokyo. It the Backlash Too Little, Too Late?, Paul Christensen
La Chaskawani, Gustavo Garcia
Level Algebras and s -Lecture Hall Polytopes, McCabe Olsen and F. Kohl
Liquid Crystals of Neat Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Their Assembly Into Ordered Macroscopic Materials, Dan Marincel
Magneto-Optical Characterization of TCO Films using Standard and Enhanced Cavity Configurations, Syed Reza, M. Syed, P. D. Miller, and B Roop
Math in Your Hands: Integrating the Use of Maple with the Collaborative Use of Wireless Tablet PCs, Shannon Sexton, Joshua Holden, and Julia M. Williams
Measuring the radius of curvature of spherical surfaces with actively controlled Fizeau and Twyman-Green Interferometers, Syed Reza, M. Kim, and A. Imeri
MERI: Multidisciplinary Educational Robotics Initiative, Matthew R. Boutell, Carlotta Berry, Stephen Chenoweth, and D. Fisher
Navigating Common Obstacles to Change in Higher Education: A Tip Sheet from Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) Participatory Action Research, Rachel Atherton, Patricia Brackin, Benjamin Collier Jelen, Jay McCormack, and Corey Taylor
Navigating the Process of Student Learning Outcomes: Development, Evaluation, and Improvement, Shannon Sexton, Timothy Chow, Rebecca DeVasher, and Julia M. Williams
Object-Oriented Artificial Intelligence: Using C++, Kim W. Tracy and P. Bouthoorn
On the Size and Weight of Passive Components: Scaling Trends for High-Density Power Converter Designs, Nathan Brooks, J. Zou, S. Coday, T. Ge, N. Ellis, and R. Carl
Panel Session - Pen-Based Computing in the Engineering and Science Classroom: Implementation Scenarios from Three Institutions, Archana Chidanandan, Patrick Ferro, J. Frolik, Maki Hirotani, K. Schmidt, Deborah Walter, and Julia M. Williams
Panel Session - Pen-Based Computing in the Engineering and Science Classroom: Implementation Scenarios from Three Institutions, Patrick Ferro, Archana Chidanandan, J. Frolik, Maki Hirotani, K. Schmidt, Deborah Walter, and Julia M. Williams
Physiologically relevant multicompartment models to predict ocular drug delivery following topical, subconjunctival, subretinal, and intravitreal delivery, Emily Dosmar and D. A. Peacock
PRISM: Teaching Digital Proficiencies For 21st Century Engineering Education, Ryan Smith and Patricia Carlson
Radical Fiber: Threads Connecting Art and Science Edited by Rebecca McNamara, Joshua Holden
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Edward Wheeler, Jianjian Song, and Deborah Walter
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Deborah Walter, Jianjian Song, and Edward Wheeler
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Jianjian Song, Deborah Walter, and Edward Wheeler
Reflection for Recovery: Exam Wrappers in an Object-Oriented Software Development Course Help Struggling Students Improve Future Exam Scores, Stephen Chenoweth and Jason Yoder
Resonant Cavity Design for Enhanced Magneto Optic Measurements, Syed Reza, M. Syed, and Cody Robert Brelage
Resonant Cavity Design for Enhanced Magneto Optic Measurements, Maarij Syed, Syed Reza, and Cody Robert Brelage
Review of Hungry for Revolution, Samuel Martland
Review of Judith Vitale, Oleg Benesch, and Miriam Kingsberg Kadia’s Drugs and the Politics of Consumption in Japan, P. A. Christensen
Should Kinetics Follow Kinematics? Only in the Dictionary!, Richard Layton and Philip Cornwell
Sublimation of Isolated Toric Focal Conic Domains on Micro-Patterned Surfaces, Eduardo Vitral, W. Kim, P. H. Leo, J. Vinals, D. S. Kim, and D. K. Yoon
Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, Zachariah Chambers, David Mutchler, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Shannon Sexton, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, Shannon Sexton, David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, Meredith Zoetewey, David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, and Julia M. Williams
Teaching Machine Learning as Part of Agile Software Engineering, Stephen Chenoweth and P. K. Linos
The Anisotropy of Deformation Twinning in bcc Materials: Mechanical Loading, Temperature Effect, and Twin–Twin Interaction, Eduardo Vitral, A. Zahiri, M. Loftpour, J. Ombogo, and L. Cao
The Dynamics of Social Interaction Among Evolved Model Agents, Eduardo Izquierdo, G. Severino, and H. Merritt
The Frequency of Elliptic Curves Over $\mathbb{Q}[i]$ with Fixed Torsion, Alan S. Zhao
The hypocrisy of Japan’s punitive drug policy., Paul Christensen
The Innovation Canvas: An Instructor's Guide, Thomas W. Mason, Jameel Ahmed, Renee Rogge, William Kline, Robert Bunch, Michael Wollowski, and Glen A. Livesay
The Online Language of Work-Personal Conflict, Gloria Liou, J. Mittal, Tay Neil, L. Ungar, and S. Gutunku
The Role of Metal Ion Binding in Generating 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine from the Nucleoside 2'-Deoxyguanosine and Nucleotide 2'-Deoxyguanosine-5'-Monophosphate, Daniel Morris, Scott D. Noblitt, and A. M. Huehls
Towards a More Accurate Light Transport Model for Non-Line-Of-Sight Imaging, Syed Reza, T. Sultan, and A. Velten
Treating Addictions: On Failures, Harms, and Hopes of Success, Paul Christensen
Virtual Research Group Modules as Scalable Simulations for STEM Research, Marissa Tousley, A. M. Dyer, M. J. Grzenda, D. A. Kovacevich, and J. P. Singer
What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, Archana Chidanandan, Zachariah Chambers, Rebecca DeVasher, Laurence Merkle, Mark Minster, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, Laurence Merkle, Zachariah Chambers, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Mark Minster, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, Shannon Sexton, Zachariah Chambers, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Laurence Merkle, Mark Minster, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Anneliese Watt, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey
Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, and Julia M. Williams
Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, and Julia M. Williams
Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Patrick Ferro, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, and Julia M. Williams
Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Shannon Sexton, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, and Julia M. Williams