Most Recent Additions*
Integrated Design Engineering Assessment and Learning System
Denny Davis, Howard P. Davis, Michael Trevisan, Jay McCormack, Steven Beyerlein, Phillip L. Thompson, Susannah Howe, P. Leiffer, Patricia Brackin, R. Gerlick, and O. Harrison
Enhancing Student Learning through Using and Writing EPSA Scenarios
Jay McCormack, E. Schmeckpeper, A. Kranov, Michael Kelley, and S. Beyerlein
A Direct Method for Teaching and Measuring Engineering Professional Skills: A Validity Study for the National Science Foundation’s Research in Evaluation of Engineering and Science Education (REESE)
Jay McCormack, Ashley Kranov, Rochelle Williams, Patrick Pedrow, E. Schmeckpeper, and S. Beyerlein
IDEALS: A Model for Integrating Engineering Design Professional Skills Assessment and Learning
Denny Davis, Michael Trevisan, Howard P. Davis, Steven Beyerlein, Susannah Howe, Phillip L. Thompson, Jay McCormack, Patricia Brackin, and Javed Khan
Classroom Learning Activities to Support Capstone Project Assessment Instruments
Jay McCormack, Denny Davis, S. Beyerlein, Howard P. Davis, Michael Trevisan, Susannah Howe, Javed Khan, Patricia Brackin, P. Leiffer, and Phillip L. Thompson
MERI: Multidisciplinary Educational Robotics Initiative
Matthew R. Boutell, Carlotta Berry, Stephen Chenoweth, and D. Fisher
Virtual Research Group Modules as Scalable Simulations for STEM Research
Marissa Tousley, A. M. Dyer, M. J. Grzenda, D. A. Kovacevich, and J. P. Singer
Enhance undergraduate research by incorporating an entrepreneurial mindset
Irene Reizman, M. Nezafati, M. Benton, J. Peponis, Michelle K. Marincel Payne, B. E. Johnson, K. Van Treuren, and L. Liu
Level Algebras and s -Lecture Hall Polytopes
McCabe Olsen and F. Kohl
A Correction and Further Improvements to the Chevalley-Warning Theorems
Rachel L. Petrik and D. B. Leep
Further Improvements to the Chevalley-Warning Theorems
Rachel L. Petrik and D. B. Leep
BB-Align: A Lightweight Pose Recovery Framework for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Perception
Lixing Song, W. Valentine, Q. Yang, H. Wang, H. Fang, and Y. Liu
Bridging Divided Disciplines through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations
Corey Taylor, Rachel Atherton, P. Brackin, Benjamin Collier Jelen, and Jay McCormack
DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS). I. Analysis of 0.9 Million Light Curves
E. Melton, E. Feigelson, M. Montalto, G. Caceres, A. Rosenswie, and C. Abelson
DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS). II. Hundreds of New TESS Candidate Exoplanets
Eliabeth Melton, E Feigelson, M. Montalto, G Caceres, A. Rosenwie, and C Abelson
Measuring the radius of curvature of spherical surfaces with actively controlled Fizeau and Twyman-Green Interferometers
Syed Reza, M. Kim, and A. Imeri
How good are collimated Gaussian beams produced from engineered diffusers?
Syed Reza, M. Kim, A. Imeri, and A. Krajecki
*Updated as of 01/21/25.