Frequently Asked Questions | The Scholarship of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

General Questions

Benefits to Scholars

What is Rose-Hulman Scholar?

Rose-Hulman Scholar is a scholarly publications digital repository maintained by Logan Library and supported by the offices of Academic Affairs, Communications and Marketing, and Instructional and Administrative Information Technology. It contains journal articles, technical reports, working papers, conference papers, graduate theses, undergraduate research, journals published by the institute, conferences hosted by the institute and similar works of a scholarly nature produced at or associated with Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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What is an Institutional Repository?

An institutional repository is a service used to collect and disseminate the digital scholarly works of a college or university. They are often managed by academic libraries with the goals of enabling access to scholarly documents, preserve those documents digitally, and to increase the visibility of those documents by disseminating them as widely as possible.

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Who can submit to the repository?

Faculty members, students (with faculty approval), and professional staff associated with Rose-Hulman are invited to contribute digital materials for long-term preservation and world-wide electronic accessibility.

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What if a paper’s copyright is held by the publisher?

See our copyright policy on how to check if a published paper may be submitted. If not, authors always have the option to include abstracts to their papers and link to the article on the publisher’s website.

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Benefits to Scholars:

Showcase for Rose-Hulman scholarship

Rose-Hulman’s research outputs are disseminated across many different journals, publications and web sites around the world. Rose-Hulman Scholar provides a complementary and valuable showcase for research publications. It also serves a means of publishing non-published works such as working papers, gray literature, books, and student research. There is also journal and conference publishing platforms built into the system.

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Wider access to papers

When a paper is published in a journal, it can only be accessed by those who have a personal or institutional subscription to the journal. Depositing a copy of a paper in Rose-Hulman Scholar ensures that not only is there an additional access point, but that a copy can be accessed free of charge by everyone on the internet. Digital Commons works with Google to provide search results optimization in Google and Google Scholar search results. Digital Commons’ versions of papers are often at the top or near the top of Google search results.

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Access to download statistics

The Rose-Hulman Scholar platform automatically informs authors of their monthly full-text download statistics for each of their papers if it has at least one download during the previous month. Real-time on-demand usage reports can always be accessed by authors by logging in. These statistics provide researchers with timely feedback on the usage of their material.

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Safe storage

Depositing copies of research papers in Rose-Hulman Scholar means peace of mind, and alleviates the stress of hard drive crashes, or USB failure. Rose-Hulman Scholar’s data is backed up on a regular basis.

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Who can submit to the repository?

Faculty members, students (with faculty approval), and professional staff associated with Rose-Hulman are invited to contribute digital materials for long-term preservation and world-wide electronic accessibility.

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My article was published in a journal, how can I check to see if I have permission to repost it?

It depends on what the journal allows, which is usually specified in their agreement with the author. If it would not violate copyright to post the reprint on your repository site, you're welcome to do so. Permissions for many publishers can be found at SHERPA RoMEO.

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What if a paper’s copyright is held by the publisher?

If you have determined that you do not have permission to post your article, you always have the option to create a citation/abstract for your article and link out to the publisher’s version of the article. Simply go through the article submittal process and choose to “Link out to file on remote site” instead of “Upload file from your computer.”

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Can conference papers be submitted?

Yes, if the publisher allows it. You are responsible for making sure that the publisher of the conference proceedings allows self-archiving their papers in institutional repositories.

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What about ASEE conference papers?

Yes, ASEE conference papers can be added to the repository. ASEE requires that a copyright statement be added to the paper. This can be done by adding the following statement to the Copyright Statement field when submitting an article: ““Copyright © YYYY by the American Society for Engineering Education.” with YYYY representing the year of the conference. The statement will appear on the paper’s cover page.

For more author information, visit our Author FAQ page.

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