
Submissions from 2016


Elevator Pitches, Crowdfunding, and the Rhetorical Politics of Entrepreneurship, Sarah Summers, J. Livingston, R. House, and A. Watt


Modifying Model-Based Systems Engineering for Undergraduate Students, Anneliese Watt, Ashley Bernal, and Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick


Usability Testing: Influencing Design Decisions and Improving Documentation, Anneliese Watt, Ashley Bernal, and Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick


Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineers: An Application of the Three C's (Creativity, Curiosity, and Connections) in a Collaborative Summer Mega-Course, Anneliese Watt, Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick, and Ashley Bernal


Elevator Pitches, Crowdfunding, and the Rhetorical Politics of Entrepreneurship, Anneliese Watt, J. Livingston, S. Summers, and R. House


I Survived the Crisis! Using Real World Scenarios to Teach Crisis Leadership Skills to Undergraduate Engineering Students, Julia M. Williams and Eva Andrijcic


Decentering Authority to Communicate Learning. Teachers Going Gradeless., Julia M. Williams and Emily Dosmar

Submissions from 2015


A K-12 Moodle User Community: A Seven Year Comparison, Patricia Carlson, R. Smith, R. Jackson, and M. Williams


Class and Anticolonial Politics in Harold Pinter and Joseph Losey's The Servant, Rebecca Dyer


Scaling Support for Teaching Sustainability: Reflections, Barriers, and Opportunities, Richard A. House, Alexander Dale, Sarah Brownell, Robert Best, and Justin Hess

What We Talk About When We Talk About Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Richard House, Patricia D. Brackin, Mark Minster, and Jennifer Mueller-Price


Development and Application of the Sustainability Skills and Dispositions Scale to the Wicked Problems in Sustainability Initiative, Richard House, Justin Hess, Sarah Brownell, and Alexander Dale


Engineering Identity Formation and Communication in a Digital Age, Richard House, J. Livingston, and S. Moseley


The Needs of Others: Social Entrepreneurship Versus the Profit Motive, Richard House, Mark Minster, Patricia Brackin, and Jennifer Mueller-Price


Valuing, Learning: Revising a Sustainability Curriculum for First-Year Students, Richard House, Mark Minster, Patricia Brackin, and Corey Taylor


The Needs of Others: Social Entrepreneurship Versus the Profit Motive, Mark Minster, Patricia Brackin, Richard House, and Jennifer Mueller-Price

What We Talk About When We Talk About Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Mark Minster, Patricia Brackin, Richard House, and Jennifer Mueller-Price


Valuing, Learning: Revising a Sustainability Curriculum for First-Year Students, Mark Minster, R. House, P. Brackin, and C. Taylor


Teaching Enron: The Rhetoric and Ethics of Whistle-Blowing, Sarah Summers


Designing Research: Using Infographics to Teach Design Thinking in Composition, Sarah Summers and Annie S. Mendenhall


Quick and Dirty Usability Testing in the Technical Communication Classroom, Sarah Summers and Anneliese Watt


Valuing, Learning: Revising a Sustainability Curriculum for First-Year Students, Corey Taylor, Mark Minster, Richard House, and Patricia Brackin


Quick and Dirty Usability Testing in the Technical Communication Classroom, Anneliese Watt and S. Summers


Leadership Development in Change: A Panel to Explore Experiences, Skills, and Learning in Change Management for New Engineering Educators, Julia M. Williams and Ella L. Ingram


Extended Abstract: Using Project Workflow to Teach Engineering Communication, Julia M. Williams, David Kmiec, and Bernadette Longo

Submissions from 2014


Using Engineering to Address the Common Core Standards Four-Week Workshop (Curriculum Exchange), Patricia Carlson and Ryan Smith


The Grandest Challenge: Models for Communication Development in Technical Contexts, Caroline Carvill, J. Williams, R. House, J. Livingston, and A. Watt


Mahmoud Darwish in Film: Politics, Representation, and Translation in Jean-Luc Godard's Ici et Ailleurs and Notre Musique, Rebecca Dyer and F. Mulot


Promoting More Effective Communication of Stories in the Data, Richard A. House, R.A. Layton, M.W. Ohland, and G. Ricco


From Faculty to Change Agent: Lessons Learned in the Development and Implementation of a Change Workshop, Richard House, Ella L. Ingram, Steve Chenoweth, Kay C. Dee, Jameel Ahmed, Julia M. Williams, Craig Downing, and Donald E. Richards

Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Richard House, Jennifer Mueller-Price, Patricia D. Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Mark H. Minster, Kyle A. Rhodes, and Corey Taylor


The Grandest Challenge: Models for Communication Development in Technical Contexts, Richard House, J. Williams, C. Carvill, J. Livingston, and A. Watt


Engineering Identity Formation and Communication in a Digital Age, Jessica Livingston, R. House, R. Layton, and S Mosley

Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Mark Minster, Jennifer Mueller-Price, Patricia D. Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Richard House, Kyle A. Rhodes, and Corey Taylor

Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Corey Taylor, Patricia Brackin, Stephen Chenoweth, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Richard House, Mark Minster, Jennifer Mueller Price Civil Engineering, and Kyle A. Rhodes


What's in the Soup? Auto-ethnographies from an Engineer, a Physicist, and an English Professor Regarding a Successful Multidisciplinary Grand Challenge Program, Anneliese Watt, Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick, and Ashley Bernal


The Grandest Challenge: Models for Communication Development in Technical Contexts, Anneliese Watt, J. Williams, C. Carvill, R. House, and J. Livingston


The Impact of Scaffolded Writing Instruction on Followup Course Assignments, Julia M. Williams, C. Carvill, R. House, J. Livingston, and A. Watt


From Faculty to Change Agent: Lessons Learned in the Development and Implementation of a Change Workshop, Julia M. Williams, Ella L. Ingram, Richard House, Steve Chenoweth, Kay C. Dee, Jameel Ahmed, Craig Downing, and Donald E. Richards

Submissions from 2013


Using Social Networking to Mentor 9th-grade Girls for Academic Success and Engineering Career Awareness, Patricia Carlson, Ryan Smith, and Matthew Ryan Davidson

Teaching a Course in the Ethics of Human Communication, Richard A. House, Mark Minster, Rebecca DeVasher, P. Brackin, E. Z. Hayes, and C. Taylor


Fast and Slow: Technical Communicators, Rational Agents, and Behavioral Economics, Richard House and Jessica Livingston


Teacher-Driven Design of Educational Software, Richard House, M. Minster, R. DeVasher, E. Hayes, P. Brackin, and C. Taylor


Fast and Slow: Technical Communicators, Rational Agents, and Behavioral Economics, Jessica Livingston and Richard House


Sustainability and Professional Identity in Engineering Education, Mark Minster, P. Brackin, R. DeVasher, E. Hayes, R. House, and C. Taylor


Sustainability and Professional Identity in Engineering Education, Corey Taylor, M. Minster, R. DeVasher, E. Hayes, R. House, and P. Brackin


Border-Crossing with Competition then Collaboration in a Challenge-Driven Design and Communication Experience for Engineering and Science Students, Anneliese Watt, Ashley Bernal, and Scott Ryan Kirkpatrick

Submissions from 2012


Improving Engineering Education with Enhanced Calibrated Peer Review Assessment of a Collaborative Research Project, Patricia Carlson, Arlene Ann Russell, Warren N. Waggenspack, Chester Wilmot, Boz Bowles, David R. Voltmer, W. Todd Monroe, Warren R. Hull Sr., and Dianne Raubenheimer


Integrating Sustainability Principles in Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum: A Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering, Richard House, J. Mueller Price, C. Taylor, P. Brackin, K. Toohey, M. DeVasher, R. DeVasher, and M. Minster


Making Academic Change Happen: Impacting Your Classrooms, Colleagues, and Campus, Richard House and Julia M. Williams


The Grandest Challenge: Models for Communication Development in Technical Contexts, Jessica Livingston


Integrating Sustainability Principles in Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum: A Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering, Mark Minster, J. Mueller Price, C. Taylor, P. Brackin, R. House, K. Toohey, M. DeVasher, and R. DeVasher


Altman and After: Multiple Narratives in Film, Peter F. Parshall


Integrating Sustainability Principles in Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum: A Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering, Corey Taylor, Jennifer Mueller, Patricia D. Brackin, Richard House, Kathleen Toohey, Michael DeVasher, Rebecca DeVasher, and Mark Minster


NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering: Rhetorical Analysis of Grand Challenges Website, Anneliese Watt


Grand Challenges and Communication: Developing Technical Solutions in Context, Julia M. Williams


The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Leadership Advancement Program: Preparing Engineering, Math, and Science Students for Leadership Success in Their Professional and Personal Lives, Julia M. Williams, Jameel Ahmed, James Hanson, Samuel Peffers, and Shannon Sexton


Making Academic Change Happen: Impacting Your Classrooms, Colleagues, and Campus, Julia M. Williams and Richard House

Submissions from 2011


Nine Years of Calibrated Peer Review in Rhetoric and Engineering Design, Patricia Carlson


Work in Progress - Merging Science Inquiry and Engineering Design: A Summer Workshop Series for Middle and High School Science Teachers, Patricia Carlson, R. Rogge, P. Hylton, M. Robinson, D. Walter, J. Shearer, and M. Syed


Institutionalized: Organizational Obstacles to Communicating Sustainability, Richard House, Patricia Brackin, Jennifer Mueller-Price Civil Engineering, Michael DeVasher, Richard Layton, Corey Taylor, Rebecca DeVasher, Mark H. Minster, and Kathleen Toohey


A Crooked Stool: The Rhetoric of the Triple Bottom Line, Richard House, C. Taylor, J. Livingston, A. Watt, and M. Minster


Global Capital's False Choices in the Films of Laurent Cantet, Jessica Livingston


The Encyclopedia Complex: Contemporary Narratives of Information, Jessica Livingston


A Crooked Stool: The Rhetoric of the Triple Bottom Line, Jessica Livingston, R. House, C. Taylor, A. Watt, and M. Minster


Institutionalized: Organizational Obstacles to Communicating Sustainability, Mark H. Minster, Patricia D. Brackin, Richard House, Jennifer Mueller-Price Civil Engineering, Michael DeVasher, Richard Layton, Corey Taylor, Rebecca DeVasher, and Kathleen Toohey


A Crooked Stool: The Rhetoric of the Triple Bottom Line, Mark Minster, R. House, C. Taylor, J. Livingston, and A. Watt


Institutionalized: Organizational Obstacles to Communicating Sustainability, Corey Taylor, P. Brackin, R. House, J. Mueller Price, M. DeVasher, R. Layton, R. DeVasher, M. Minster, and K. Toohey


A Crooked Stool: The Rhetoric of the Triple Bottom Line, Corey Taylor, R. House, J. Livingston, A. Watt, and M. Minster


A Crooked Stool: The Rhetoric of the Triple Bottom Line, Anneliese Watt, R. House, C. Taylor, J. Livingston, and M. Minster

Submissions from 2010


Assessing Engineering Design Experiences Using Calibrated Peer Review, Patricia Carlson and F. Berry


PRISM: Teaching Digital Proficiencies for 21st Century Engineering Education, Patricia Carlson and R. Smith


Representations of the Migrant Domestic Worker in Hoda Barakat's Harith Al-Miya and Danielle Arbid's Maarek Hob, Rebecca Dyer


Critically Engaging CBT, Richard House and Del Loewenthal


The Grand Challenges within Technical Communications, Richard House, A. Watt, and J.M. Williams


Raising Expectations for the Quality of Graphical Elements in Reports and Presentations, Corey Taylor, T. Adams, and R. Layton


The Genre of the Performance Evaluation: Prompts for Eliciting Effective Feedback, Anneliese Watt, Richard House, and Julia M. Williams


The Grandest Challenge: Models for Communication Development in Technical Contexts, Julia Williams, R. House, and A. Watt

Submissions from 2009


Instructional Benefits of a Course Management System in K-12 Education, Patricia Carlson


Work in Progress - Using a Course Management System in K-12 Education, Patricia Carlson


Engineering Ethos in Environmental Public Policy Deliberation, Patricia Carlson, A. Russell, W. Waggenspack, W. Hull, and W. Monroe


Change Agents and Systems Thinking: The Non-Revolution in Management Rhetoric, Richard House


Childhood, Well-Being and a Therapeutic Ethos, Richard House and Del Loewenthal


Elevator Pitches, Crowdfunding, and the Rhetorical Politics of Entrepreneurship, Richard House, A. Watts, and J.M. Williams


Communication Pedagogy in the Engineering Classroom: A Report on Faculty Practices and Perceptions, Richard House, Julia M. Williams, and Anneliese Watt


Blue Order: Wallace Stevens's Jazz Experiments, Corey Taylor


Elements of Effective Communication: Results from A Research Study of Engineering Faculty, Anneliese Watt, Richad House, and Julia M. Williams


Communication Pedagogy in the Engineering Classroom: A Report on Faculty Practices and Perceptions, Anneliese Watt, Richard House, and Julia M. Williams


Communication Pedagogy in the Engineering Classroom: A Report on Faculty Practices and Perceptions, Julia Williams, Richard House, and Anneliese Watt


Developing Students' Abilities in Technical Leadership: The Rose-Hulman Leadership Academy, Julia M. Williams and James Hanson Civil Engineering


Using Writing Assignments to Improve Self-Assessment and Communication Skills in an Engineering Statics Course: Structured Summary and Reflective Essay, Julia M. Williams and James Hanson Civil Engineering

Math in Your Hands: Integrating the Use of Maple with the Collaborative Use of Wireless Tablet PCs, Julia Williams, Shannon Sexton, and J. Holden


Elevator Pitches, Crowdfunding, and the Rhetorical Politics of Entrepreneurship, Julia Williams, A. Watt, and R. House

Submissions from 2008


Using Computer-Mediated Peer Review in an Engineering Design Course, Patricia Carlson and Frederick C. Berry


Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Richard House, J. Anderson, S. Chenoweth, R. DeVasher, J. Livingston, M. Minster, C. Taylor, A. Watt, and J.M. Williams


John Steinbeck's Global Dimensions, Luchen Li, Kyoto Ariki, and Scott Pugh


Within Limits: Technical Communication and Civic Engagement, Jessica Livingston


Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Jessica Livingston, J. Anderson, S. Chenoweth, R. DeVasher, R. House, M. Minster, C. Taylor, A. Watt, and J.M. Williams


Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Mark Minster, J. Anderson, S. Chenoweth, R. DeVasher, R. House, J. Livingston, C. Taylor, A. Watt, and J.M. Williams


Measuring the Impact of Tablet PCs and Dyknow Vision Software on Students' Note-Taking Strategies: A Cross-Disciplinary Case Study, Shannon Sexton, Julia M. Williams, Renee Rogge, A. Chidanandan, P. Coppinger, D. Fisher, M. Hirotani, D. Walter, Mario Simoni, and K. Sutterer