
Submissions from 2024

Mitigating Bias in Machine Learning, Carlotta A. Berry and Brandeis Hill Marshall


Open-source Robotics for Academics: A Platform that Grows with the User, Carlotta Berry, Katie Nicole Faith Collins, and Alejandro Marcenido Larregola


Concept Maps Afford Connections from Mathematics and Physics to Electrical Engineering Courses, Carlotta Berry, Leanne Holder, Tracy Weyand, and Nicole Pfiester


A High-Bandwidth Parallel Active Balancing Controller for Current-Controlled Flying Capacitor Multilevel Converters, Nathan Brooks, Ravishankar Iyer, I. Z. Petric, R. S. Bayliss, and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski


On the Size and Weight of Passive Components: Scaling Trends for High-Density Power Converter Designs, Nathan Brooks, J. Zou, S. Coday, T. Ge, N. Ellis, and R. Carl

Signal Integrity in Digital Systems: Principles and Practice, Michael Cracraft, JianJian Song, and Edward Wheeler


Evolution of Embodied Agents on a Numerical Cognition Task: Sequential Counting, Eduardo Izquierdo

Signal Integrity in Digital Systems: Principles and Practice, JianJian Song, Michael Cracraft, and Edward Wheeler

Signal Integrity in Digital Systems: Principles and Practice, Edward Wheeler, Michael Cracraft, and JianJian Song

Submissions from 2023


Robotics For The Streets: Open-Source Robotics for Academics and the Community, Carlotta A. Berry


Workshop on Unified Curriculum and Course Design for Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Carlotta A. Berry, Gregoy Lewin, Ru Li, James A. Mynderse, Vikram Kapila, and Michael Gennert


Workshop on Unified Curriculum and Course Design for Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Carlotta Berry, Gregory C. Lewin, James A. Mynderse, Vikram Kapila, and Michael Gennert


DC-Link Capacitors for Twice-Line Frequency Power Decoupling: Design-Oriented Figures-of-Merit With Empirical Application, Nathan Brooks, F. Giardine, and Robert Pilawa-Podgurski


The Dynamics of Social Interaction Among Evolved Model Agents, Eduardo Izquierdo, G. Severino, and H. Merritt

Submissions from 2022


Use of Open-source Software in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education – Part II : Controller Implementation, Carlotta A. Berry, Nima Lotfi, Dave Auslander, Louis Rodriquez, and Kenechukwu Mbanisi


Return Path Discontinuities and Common Path Issues, Michael Cracraft

Submissions from 2021


Black in Engineering: How the Social Justice Efforts of Black Academics Affect Change, Carlotta A. Berry, Audrey Bowden, M. Farmer Cox, Tahira N. Reid, and Leroy Long


Decoupling Capacitor Optimization to Achieve Target Impedance in PCB PDN Design, Michael Cracraft


Microelectronic Systems Education., Tina A. Hudson


Effect of Die Clearance on Peak Punching Force During Cryogenic Micropunching of Polycaprolactone, Thomas James, Christopher Nehme, Anil Saigal, and Amrit Sagar


Precoding for Multi-user MIMO Interference Channel: A Signal Set Separation Problem, Yong Jin Daniel Kim and Xuechen Xie


Use of Open-source Software in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education – Part I: Model Simulation and Analysis, Nima Lotfi, Dave Auslander, Louis Rodriquez, Kenechukwu Mbanisi, and Carlotta A. Berry


Force-Based Stiffness Mapping for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Robert Throne, Lorraine Olson, Emily I. Rusnak, and Jonathan P. Gannon


Global Engineering Competencies Learned Through Virtual Exchange Project Collaboration, Deborah Walter, Megan Diane Lavery, and Benjamin Fleishman

Submissions from 2020


Practical Skills for Students in Mechatronics and Robotics Education, Carlotta Berry, Michael Gennert, and Rebecca Reck


Diversity and Inclusion in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Education, Carlotta Berry, Christopher Pannier, Melissa Morris, and Xiaopeng Zhao


Minimally Invasive 3D Printed Fixtures for Multi Gb/s Channel Characterization with a Logic Analyzer, Michael Cracraft, M. Cocchini, W D. Becker, M. Doyle, and J. Bjorgaard


Thinking Entrepreneurially about Your Career, Craig Downing, Andrea Welker, Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, and Douglas E. Melton


Ultrawideband planar bow-tie with curved directive strips for gain enhancement, Matthew Howlett, H. S. Park, S. K. Hong, and E. Wheeler


Cryogenic Material Properties of Polycaprolactone, Tom James, Amrit Sagar, Christopher Nehme, and Anil Saigal


Stress - Strain Relationship of Polycaprolactone in Liquid Nitrogen for Finite Element Simulation of Cryogenic Micropunching Process, Tom James, Amrit Sagar, Christopher Nehme, and Anil Saigal


Two-Layered Superposition of Broadcast/Multicast and Unicast Signals in Multiuser OFDMA Systems, Yong Jin Daniel Kim and David Vargas


Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: Simulations and Experimental Validation with Force Data, Robert Throne, Lorraine Olson, Emily I. Rusnak, and Jonathan P. Gannon


Two-Layered Superposition of Broadcast/Multicast and Unicast Signals in Multiuser OFDMA Systems, D. Vargas and Y. J. D. Kim


Geolocation of Multiple Noncooperative Emitters Using Received Signal Strength: Sparsity, Resolution, and Detectability, Deborah J. Walter and Kurt Bryan


Ultrawideband planar bow-tie with curved directive strips for gain enhancement, Ed Wheeler, Matthew Howlett, Hong Park, and Sun Hong


Detection and Location of Linear and Nonlinear Targets using PI-DORT and Time-of-Flight, Ed Wheeler, M Lee, Z Cao, V Maheshwari, J Wu, and S Hong

Submissions from 2019


Board 157: Creating National Leadership Cohorts for Making Academic Change Happen: Sharing Lessons Learned Through RED Participatory Action Research (REDPAR) Tipsheets, Eva Andrijcic, Julia Williams, Elizabeth Litzler, Cara Margherio, and Kerice Doten-Snitker


Design of a Modular Educational Robotics Platform for Multidisciplinary Education, Carlotta A. Berry and Z. Wei

Considering Capstone Team Member Roles with a Shared Leadership Framework, Patricia Brackin, D Kotys-Schwartz, K Demoret, and B Novoselich


A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of computing Architectures Used in Neural Simulations, Daniel W. Chang, K Daruwalla, N. Olivero, A. Pluger, S. Rao, and Mario Simoni

CAERUS: Chronoscopic Assessment Engine for Recovering Undocumented Specifications, Zak Estrada, Adam Seitz, Adam Satar, Brian Burke, and Lok Yan


Mathematical Maturity for Engineering Students, Brian Faulkner, K. Earl, and G. Herman

Comparison of Student and Faculty Perceptions of Intent and Effectiveness of Course Evaluations in an Engineering Curriculum, Thomas James


Employer Perceptions of Undergraduate Student Entrepreneurial Experience, Tom James and Elizabeth Morehouse


Fine-Grained Acceleration using Runtime Integrated Custom Execution (RICE), work in progress, Leela Pakanati, John T. McMichen, and Zachary Estrada


A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of computing Architectures Used in Neural Simulations, Mario Simoni, K Daruwalla, N. Olivero, A. Pluger, S. Rao, and Daniel W. Chang


An Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping for Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Tissue Phantom Experiments, Robert Throne, Lorraine Olson, Adam Nolte, Allison Crump, Kaelyn Griffin, Tianhong Han, Nicolae Iovanac, Thomas Janssen, Michael Jones, Xiaoyin Ling, and Michael Samp

Use of Periodic Common-Mode Filtering Structures in Embedded Broadside-Coupled Coplanar Waveguides, Ed Wheeler, Z Bergstedt, Y He, A Hobbie, A Hsu, and C Lynch

Improving the Radiation Characteristics of an Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna using a Spatially Variant Metamaterial Len, Ed Wheeler, J Blauert, J Faia, Y He, S Hong, and B Cook

Detection of Multiple Nonlinear Targets using the PI-DORT Method, Ed Wheeler, R Chandra, M Howlett, I Sheffert, J Van Treeck, and S Hong

Common-Mode Suppression in Broadside Coupled Coplanar Waveguides, Ed Wheeler, Yujie He, Joseph Faia, and Michael Cracraft

Common-Mode Suppression in Broadside Coupled Coplanar Waveguides, Edward Wheeler, Yujie He, and Joseph M. Faia

Submissions from 2018


Lessons Learned Flipping a Mobile Robotics Course, Carlotta A. Berry


STEM Success Stories: Strategies for Women and Minorities to Thrive, Not Just Survive, in Engineering, Carlotta A. Berry and Janice Fenn


Can an Engineering Competition Catalyze Curriculum Innovation?, Carlotta Berry, Ryder C. Winck, Alan Jern, and Yosi Shibberu


A data-driven approach towards human-robot collaborative problem solving in a shared space, Carlotta Berry, Michael Wollowski, Ryder Winck, Alan Jern, David Voltmer, and Yosi Shibberu

A Quantitative Analysis of the Performance of computing Architectures Used in Neural Simulations, Daniel Chang, Kyle Daruwalla, Nathaniel Olivero, Allison Pluger, Sunil Rao, and Mario Simoni


Studying Victim Caches in GPUs, Daniel Chang and Eric M. Taylor


Studying Victim Caches in GPUs, Daniel W. Chang and Eric M. Taylor


High School Autonomous Vehicle Competition, Marc E. Herniter

Geometric property estimation based on raman spetra measurement using machine learning, Michael Jo and Umberto Ravaioli


MIMO Pre-coder Design Based on Weighted Euclidean Distance Maximization in Interference Channel, Yong Jin Kim, Peng Luo, and Bo Pang


Teaching Engineers to Think Appropriately by Thinking Holistically, Wayne Padgett and Michelle Marincel Payne


A Comparative Study of Zynq-Based OpenFlow Switches in a Software/Hardware Co-design, JianJian Song, Jian Kang, and Xiaojun Hei


A data-driven approach towards human-robot collaborative problem solving in a shared space, David Voltmer, Michael Wollowski, Ryder Winck, Alan Jern, Carlotta Berry, and Yosi Shibberu


Global Engineering and the Social Context: A Cross-Disciplinary Course for Undergraduates, Deborah Walter, Kyle Kershaw, John Aidoo, Rebecca Bercich, Timothy Grose, and Kathy Hammett

Submissions from 2017


A Multidisciplinary Pilot Course on the Internet of Things: Curriculum Development Using Lean Startup Principles, Carlotta Berry, Valerie Galluzzi, and Yosi Shibberu


Improving Student Confidence and Retention using an Introductory Computer Engineering Course, Daniel Chang


Trustworthy Services Built on Event-Based Probing for Layered Defense, Zachary J. Estrada, Read Sprabery, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar Iyer, Rakesh B. Bobba, and Roy Campbell


Using OS Design Patterns to Provide Reliability and Security as-a-Service for VM-based Clouds, Zachary J. Estrada, Read Sprabery, Lok Yan, Zhongzhi Yu, Roy Campbell, and Zbigniew Kalbarczyk

Should We Discard the Dimensions of Interferences in the Interference Alignment?, Yong Jin Kim and B. Pang


Teaching Hardware to Demystify Foundational Software Concepts, Christopher Miller


Use of an Automated Grading Circuit for a Lab-based Course, Christopher Miller


Software Courses in Computer Engineering, Christopher Miller and Dick Blandford


Development of Enhanced Value, Feature, and Stakeholder Views for a Model-Based Design Approach, Mario Simoni, William A. Kline, William D. Schindel, and Ashley Bernal


Center for Mobile Hands-On STEM, Deborah Walter, Kenneth A. Connor, Kathleen Meehan, Bonnie H. Ferri, and Aldo A. Ferri


Common-Mode Filtering in Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards, Edward Wheeler, Y. He, Z. Silva, Z. Bergstedt, J. Faia, S. Ven Hossier, S. Kang, G. Shaffer, and M. Cracraft


Common-Mode Filtering in Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards, Edward Wheeler, Yujie He, Zach Silva, Zach Bergstedt, Joseph Faia, and Shelby Van Hoosier


Low-Cost, High-Resolution Printing of Planar Microwave Structures for Rapid Design Iterations, Edward Wheeler, Tyler Nuanes, Brian Dieckman, Tony New, and Benjamin S. Cook

Submissions from 2016


From LEGO to Arduino: Enhancement of ECE Freshman Design with Practical Applications, Carlotta Berry, D. Chang, and C. Miller


Robotics for All Ages: A Standard Robotics Curriculum for K-16, Carlotta Berry, S. Remy, and T. Rogers


From LEGO to Arduino: Enhancement of ECE Freshman Design with Practical Applications, Daniel Chang, C. Berry, and C. Miller


Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited Leakage, Nathan Chenette, K. Lewi, S.A. Weis, and D.J. Wu


When Everyone Knows CS is the Best Major: Decisions about CS in an Indian context, Michael Hewner and S. Mishra


Properties of Faster-Than-Nyquist Channel Matrices and Folded-Spectrum, and Their Applications, Yong Jin Kim


Methods and Devices for Communications Systems Using Multiplied Rate Transmission, Yong Jin Kim and J. Bajcsy


Faster-Than-Nyquist Broadcasting in Gaussian Channels: Achievable Rate Regions and Coding, Yong Jin Kim, J. Bajcsy, and D. Vargas


From LEGO to Arduino: Enhancement of ECE Freshman Design with Practical Applications, Christopher Miller, C. Berry, and D. Chang


Insights Gained from the First Teaching of a Multidisciplinary, Appropriate Technology Course, Wayne Padgett, M. Marincel Payne, and A. Mech


Lessons Learned from Implementing Application-Oriented Hands-On Activities for Continuous-Time Signal Processing Courses, Mario Simoni and M. Aburdene


Integrating Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking into Undergraduate Engineering Education, Mario Simoni, R. Adock, A. Squires, F. Looft, and P. Brouse


Helping Undergraduate Students of Any Engineering Discipline Develop a Systems Perspective, Mario Simoni, E. Andrijcic, W. Kline, and A. Bernal

An Inverse Problem Approach to Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Robert Throne, L. Olson, and A. Nolte


Collaborative Research: Center for Mobile Hands-On STEM, Deborah Walter, K. Connor, K. Meehan, D. Newman, B. Ferri, Y. Astatke, and M. Chouikha


Low-Cost, High-Resolution Printing of Planar Microwave Structures for Rapid Design Iterations, Edward Wheeler, T. Nuanes, B. Bieckman, T. New, and B. Cook

Submissions from 2015


Lessons Learned Teaching Electrical Circuits Online, Carlotta Berry


Teaching a First Course in Human-Robot Interaction, Carlotta Berry


HRI Education Workshop, Carlotta Berry, C. Bethel, and S. Šabanović


Modular Order-Preserving Encryption, Revisited, Nathan Chenette, C. Mavroforakis, A. O'Neill, G. Kollios, and R. Canetti