Submissions from 2015
LabVIEW as a Music Synthesizer Laboratory Learning Environment, Edward Doering and E. Stokes
Using Industry-Grade Test Equipment in a Digital Test and Product Engineering Lab Course, Tina Hudson, C. Miller, and S. Sipes
A MIMO-Channel-Precoding Scheme for Next Generation Terrestrial Broadcast TV Systems, Yong Jin Kim, D. Vargas, J. Bajcsy, D. Gómez-Barquero, and N. Cardona
Global Perspectives on Assessing Educational Performance and Quality, Cary Laxer, A. Clear, J. Carter, A. Kumar, and E. Cuadros-Vargas
Using Industry-Grade Test Equipment in a Digital Test and Product Engineering Lab Course, Christopher Miller, T. Hudson, and S. Sipes
An Automated Framework for Recommending Program Elements to Novices (N), Chandan R. Rupakheti and K Zimmerman
Improving Learning in Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Courses Through Collaborative Workshops, Mario Simoni, M. Aburdene, F. Fayyaz, V. Labay, J. Wierer, and W. Huang
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: Preliminary Results from Tissue Phantom Experiments, Robert Throne, L. Olson, A. Nolte, A. Crump, W. He, M. Jones, C. Douglas, M. Conrad, and E. Cottingham
Using Simulation & Joint Time/Frequency Domain Analysis to Evaluate Absorber/Lossy Material Performance in Resonant Cavities, Edward Wheeler, B. Archambeault, M. Varner, J. Zhang, and S. Connor
CSRR Common-Mode Filtering Structures in Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards,, Edward Wheeler, S. Kang, G. Shaffer, C. Kodama, and C. O'Daniel
A MIMO-Channel-Precoding Scheme for Next Generation Terrestrial Broadcast TV Systems, Edward Wheeler, Y. Kim, J. Bajcsy, D. Gomez-Barquero, and N. Cardona
Mitigating the Threat of Crosstalk and Unwanted Radiation when Using Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures to Suppress Common Mode Signal Propagation in PCB Differential Interconnects, Edward Wheeler, C. Kodama, C. O'Daniel, J. Cook, F. de Paulis, M. Cracraft, S. Connor, and A. Orlandi
Beaglebone Cookbook, Mark A. Yoder and Jason Kridner
DSP First: A Multimedia Approach, 2nd Ed., Mark Yoder, R. W. Schafer, and J. H. McClellan
Submissions from 2014
An Examination of the Numbers: African American Female Faculty in Engineering, Carlotta Berry, M. Cox, and J. Main
From Faculty to Change Agent: Lessons Learned in the Development and Implementation of a Change Workshop, Steve Chenoweth, Ella L. Ingram, Richard A. House, Kay C. Dee, Jameel Ahmed, and Julia M. Williams
How CS Undergraduates make Course Choices, Michael Hewner
Developing Critical Thinking Skills in a Mixed-Signal Test and Product Engineering Course, Tina Hudson and S. M. Sipes
ITiCSE: The Next Decade, Cary Laxer, A. Pears, A. Clear, L. Cassel, E. Caudros-Vargas, and V. Dagiene
Configurable Integrated Monitoring System for Mobile Devices, Christopher Miller and C. Poellabauer
Practicing and Assessing Formal Systems Competencies In ECE Senior Design, Daniel Moore, M. Simoni, W. Schindel, X. Mu, and W. Padgett
Practicing and Assessing Formal Systems Competencies in ECE Senior Design, Wayne Padgett, M. Simoni, W. Schindel, X. Mu, and D. Moore
Practicing and Assessing Formal Systems Competencies in ECE Senior Design, Mario Simoni, W. Schindel, X. Mu, D. Moore, and W. Padgett
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: Fitness Optimization, Robert Throne and L. Olson
Metamaterial Common-Mode Filtering using CSRRs, Edward Wheeler, E. Sawyer, C. Kodama, C. O'Daniel, and J. Cook
Using Common-Mode Filtering Structures with Microstrip Differential Lines in a Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Environment, Edward Wheeler, E. Sawyer, C. Kodama, C.N. O'Daniel, and J. Cook
On Finding the Optimal Number of Decoupling Capacitors by Minimizing the Equivalent Inductance of the PCB PDN, Edward Wheeler, K. Shringarpure, B. Zhao, A. Ruehli, B. Archambeault, J. Drewniak, J. Fan, L. Wei, M. Cocchini, and M. Cracraft
Plane-Pair PEEC Models for PDN Using Sub-Meshing, Edward Wheeler, L. Wei, K. Shringarpure, A. Reuhli, and J. Drewniak
Submissions from 2013
ROSE-BUD (Rose Building Undergraduate Diversity) MAPS (Mentoring and Professional Skills), Carlotta Berry and D. Walter
Using GSwE2009 in the Creation and Modification of Graduate Software Engineering Programs and Related Curricula, Shawn Bohner, M. Ardis, L. Camilloni, D. Vallespir, and S.M. Ilieva
Dynamic Bandwidth Scaling for Embedded DSPs with 3D-Stacked DRAM and Wide I/Os, Daniel Chang, Y. Son, J. Ahn, H. Kim, M. Ahn, M. Schulte, and N. Kim
Design of a Plugin Split-Parallel Chevrolet Malibu: Control Strategy Development, Marc Herniter, Z. Chambers, and J. Nibert
Engineering Pulsed Magnetic Fields: Designing and Building a Pulsed Magnetic Field Circuit for a Faraday Rotation Experimental Setup, Marc Herniter, T. Foulkes, and M. Syed
Design of a High Voltage Lithium Ion Energy Storage System, Marc Herniter, L. Nash, J. Nibert, and Z. Chambers
Design and Deployment of a Mule Plugin Split-Parallel Chevrolet Malibu: Integration, Marc Herniter, J. Nibert, L. Nash, J. King, and Z. Chambers
Undergraduate Conceptions of the Field of Computer Science, Michael Hewner
Contemplations on Results from Investigating the Personal Epistemology of Computing Students, Cary Laxer, R. McDermott, I. Pirie, A. Canjander, and M. Daniels
The Future of the ABET Computer Science Program Criteria (abstract only), Cary Laxer and A. Parrish
Developing Interactive Teaching Strategies for Electrical Engineering Faculty, Wayne Padgett, M. Hjalmarson, J. Nelson, L. Huettel, K. Wage, and J. Buck
Analog-Circuit-Based Activities to Improve Introductory Continuous-Time Signals and Systems (CTSS) Courses, Mario Simoni, M. Aburdene, and F. Fayyaz
Understanding Learning Difficulties in Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Courses and Making these Courses More Accessible, Mario Simoni, M. Aburdene, and F. Fayyaz
Why Are Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Courses so Difficult? How Can We Make Them More Accessible?, Mario Simoni, M. Aburdene, and F. Fayyaz
Hands-On Electricity: An Active Learning Opportunity for High-School Physics, Mario Simoni, G. Cook, and S. Beeler
Hands-On Learning with Portable Electronics, Mario Simoni, K. Meehan, and A. Wong
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Jianjian Song, Deborah Walter, and Edward Wheeler
Rationales on a Required Class on Signal and Power Integrity in a Computer Engineering Curriculum, Jianjian Song, D. Walter, and E. Wheeler
An Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Robert Throne and L. Olson
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: 3D Results and Variations in Properties, Robert Throne and L. Olson
ROSE-BUD (Rose Building Undergraduate Diversity) MAPS (Mentoring and Professional Skills), Deborah Walter and C. Berry
Collaborative Research: Center for Mobile Hands-On STEM, Deborah Walter, K.A. Connor, B.H. Ferri, A.A. Ferri, and K Meehan
Models of Adoption and Best Practices for Mobile Hands-on Learning in Electrical Engineering, Deborah J. Walter, Y. Astatke, M.F. Chouikha, K.A. Connor, A.A. Ferri, and B.H. Ferri
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Deborah Walter, Jianjian Song, and Edward Wheeler
Design and Measurement of a Metamaterial-Inspired Broadband High Impedance Surface, Edward Wheeler, M. Ausserer, D. Volter, and E. Wandel
Rationale for a Required Course on Signal and Power Integrity in Computer Engineering Curriculum, Edward Wheeler, Jianjian Song, and Deborah Walter
Rationales on a Required Class on Signal and Power Integrity in a Computer Engineering Curriculum, Edward Wheeler, D. Walter, and J. Song
Submissions from 2012
Mobile Robotics for Multidisciplinary Study, Carlotta A. Berry
Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Shawn Bohner, Sriram Mohan, and Stephen Chenoweth
Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Stephen Chenoweth, Sriram Mohan, and Shawn Bohner
Incorporating Software Architecture in the Computer Science Curriculum (abstract only), Steve Chenoweth, M.L. Barrett, A. Berner, L. Jones, A. Chigani, and M. Tang
Short Mobile Game Development Projects for CS1/2, Delvin Defoe and S. Kurkovsky
Work in Progress: Evaluating the Use of Mobile Game Development in Introductory CS Courses, Delvin Defoe and S. Kurkovsky
Model-Based System Design of a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu, Edward Doering, K. Handoko, K. Hochstetler, P. Hudson, K. Mason, J. Nibert, J. Wimmer, and Z. Chambers
EcoCar Technology Transfer: From the Competition to the Classroom, Marc Herniter, Z. Chambers, and J. Nibert
Model-Based System Design for MIL, SIL, and HIL, Marc Herniter, J. Nibert, and Z. Chambers
Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Sriram Mohan, Stephen Chenoweth, and Shawn Bohner
Scrum Across the CS/SE Curricula: A Retrospective, Sriram Mohan, C. Wallace, D. Troy, and M.E. Hoffman
Trends in Signal Processing Education [In the Spotlight], Wayne Padgett and R.G. Baraniuk
Improving Engineering Education with Enhanced Calibrated Peer Review Assessment of a Collaborative Research Project, David R. Voltmer, Patricia Carlson, Arlene Ann Russell, Warren N. Waggenspack, Chester Wilmot, Boz Bowles, W. Todd Monroe, Warren R. Hull Sr., and Dianne Raubenheimer
Localization of RF Emitters Using Compressed Sensing with Multiple Cooperative Sensors, Deborah Walter, K. Bryan, J. Stephens, C. Bullmaster, and V. Chakravarthy
Hybrid Pursuit-Evasion Game Between UAVS and RF Emitters with Controllable Observations: a Hawk-Dove Fight, Deborah Walter, H. Li, V. Chakravarthy, S. Dehnie, and Z. Wu
Spectrum Utilization Efficiency of Cognitive Radio Systems with Limited Sampling Capability: The Impact of Spectrum Non-Contiguity, Deborah Walter, H. Li, S. Dehnie, V. Chakravarthy, Z. Wu, and Y. Ma
Submissions from 2011
Investigation in the Control of a Four-Rotor Aerial Robot, Carlotta Berry and J. Kunzmann
AC Circuit Analysis, Carlotta Berry and D. Walter
Application of Operational Amplifiers, Carlotta Berry and D. Walter
DC and Transient Circuit Analysis, AC Circuit Analysis, & Application of Operational Amplifiers, Carlotta Berry and D. Walter
Teaching Requirements Engineering to Undergraduate Students, Stephen Chenoweth and Sriram Mohan
Incorporating Software Architecture in the Computer Science Curriculum, Steve Chenoweth, M. Barrett, and A. Bener
Teaching Garbage Collection with Open Source Virtual Machine, Delvin Defoe
Short Mobile Game Development Projects for CS1/2: Conference Tutorial, Delvin Defoe and S. Kurkovsky
Short Mobile Game Development Projects for CS1/2: Tutorial Presentation, Delvin Defoe and S. Kurkovsky
Short Mobile Game Development Projects for Introductory CS Courses: Conference Workshop, Delvin Defoe and S. Kurkovsky
Mobile Game Development Projects for Introductory CS Courses: Tutorial Presentation, Delvin Defoe; S. Kurkovsky,; and E. Graetz
Pragmatic Electrical Engineering: Fundamentals, William J. Eccles
Pragmatic Electrical Engineering: Systems and Instruments, William J. Eccles
Transistors in amplifier circuits, & A simplistic approach to the analysis of transistor amplifiers, 2nd Ed., Tina Hudson
Guest Editorial Microelectronic Systems Education, Tina A. Hudson
Creating a Mixed-Signal Test and Product Engineering Course, Tina Hudson, B. Copeland, and D. Solomon
Teaching Requirements Engineering to Undergraduate Students, Sriram Mohan and S. Chenoweth
Extending the Usefulness of the Signals and Systems Concept Inventory (SSCI), Wayne Padgett, M. Yoder, and S. Forbes
Using Tablet PC's and Interactive Software in IC Design Courses to Improve Learning, Mario Simoni
Work in Progress - A Hardware Platform for a Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Course, Mario Simoni
Transmission Line Time-Domain Analysis and Signal Integrity, 2nd Ed., JianJian Song, David R. Voltmer, and Edward D. Wheeler
Transmission Line Time-Domain Analysis and Signal Integrity, Jianjian Song, E. Wheeler, and D. Voltmer
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Through an Inverse Problem Approach to Stiffness Mapping: Improved Formulation and Parallelization, Robert Throne and L. Olson
Wideband Performance for Planar Antenna-PMC Configuration, David Volmer, D. Vargas, and E. Wandel
Audio-Visual Lab Tutorials to Develop Independent Learners, Deborah Walter
AC Circuit Analysis, Deborah Walter and C. Berry
Application of Operational Amplifiers, Deborah Walter and C. Berry
DC and Transient Circuit Analysis, AC Circuit Analysis, & Application of Operational Amplifiers, Deborah Walter and C. Berry
Work in Progress - Merging Science Inquiry and Engineering Design: A Summer Workshop Series for Middle and High School Science Teachers, Deborah Walter, P. Carlson, P. Hylton, M. Robinson, R. Rogge, J. Shearer, and M. Syed