Submissions from 2002
A Comparison of Methods for Estimating Endocardial Potentials from a Noncontact Probe, Robert D. Throne, Lorraine G. Olson, G Bu, and J.R. Windle
A New Method for Incorporating Weighted Temporal and Spatial Smoothing in the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography, Robert Throne, L. Olson, and J. Windle
A Study of Far-From-Equilibrium Doping in ZnSe Extended Abstracts, Edward Wheeler, J. Boone, N. Brakensiek, J. Farmer, C. Chandresekhar, and C. Martin
Incorporation of AsSe Centers in ZnSe Far-From-Equilibrium, Edward Wheeler, J. Farmer, J. Boone, N. Brakensiek, C. Chandrasekhar, and C. Martin
Improving the Effectiveness of the Electrical Engineering Service Course, Edward Wheeler and C. Grigg
Effective Practices in the Electrical Systems Service Course, Edward Wheeler, C. Grigg, Z. Chambers, and R. Layton
DSP in High Schools: New Technologies from the Infinity Project, Mark A. Yoder, S.C. Douglas, and G.C. Orsak
Making Music with DSP, Mark Yoder and E. Doering
Submissions from 2001
Low-Cost, High-Impact Video Production Techniques for Laboratory Instructional Materials, Edward Doering
Synthesis of Plucked-String Sounds in MATLAB, Edward Doering
Programming in MATLAB, Marc E. Herniter
Teaching Programming Skills with MATLAB, Marc Herniter, D. Scott, and R. Pangasa
A Multi-National, Multi-Institutional Study of Assessment of Programming Skills of First-Year CS students, Cary Laxer, M McCracken, V Alstrum, D Diaz, M Guzdial, Y. B-D. Kolikant, D. Hagan, L. Thomas, I. Utting, and T. Wilusz
The University Perspective: Awarding Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) in Computer Science, Cary Laxer, B.B. Owens, F. Hunt, and S. Reges
Infinity Project: A High School Engineering Curriculum, One Year Later, Mark A. Yoder
Submissions from 2000
Continuous Monitoring of Curriculum via student Communications Components, Daniel Moore and D. Voltmer
MRI Microcoil RF Radiation and Power Dissipation in Body Tissues, Jianjian Song, L. Wang, L. Bai, V. Raju, B. Wang, and D. Zhang
Flux-Canceling Effect and Its Application to Shielding of Magnetic Field from Power Transmission Lines, Jianjian Song and D. Zhang
Impact of Stirrers' Position on the Properties of a Reverberation Chamber With Two Stirrers, Jianjian Song, D. Zhang, and T. Yeo
Writing in Engineering Courses, Edward Wheeler and R. McDonald
Using Audience Accommodation for Effective and Ethical Communication, Edward Wheeler and J. Williams
The Infinity Project: Building a High School Curriculum which Emphasizes the Engineering, Math, and Science Principles of Modern Technology, Mark A. Yoder, R. Athale, S. Douglas, D. Munson, G. Orsak, and J. Treichler
Submissions from 1999
CS 1 Closed Laboratories = Multimedia Materials + Human Interaction, Claude Anderson, David Mutchler, A. Kinley, Cary Laxer, D. Oexmann, and R. Sengupta
Asynchronous Learning Environment for Integrating Technical Communication into Engineering Courses, Carlotta Berry and Patricia Carlson
A Strategy for Extending the House of Quality to Obtain Preliminary Design Specifications, Patricia Brackin and Jonathon Colton
Making Music with MATLAB: An Electronic Music Synthesis Couse for Engineering Students, Edward Doering
The IEEE Reliability Test System-1996. A Report Prepared by the Reliability Test System Task Force of the Application of Probability Methods Subcommittee,, Clifford Grigg, P. Wong, P. Albrecht, M. Bhavaraju, R. Billinton, and W. Li
CS 1 Closed Laboratories = Multimedia Materials + Human Interaction, Cary Laxer, David Mutchler, Claude Anderson, A. Kinley, D. Oexmann, and R. Sengupta
Industrial Sponsored Design Projects Addressed by Student Design Team, Daniel Moore and F. Berry
CS 1 Closed Laboratories = Multimedia Materials + Human Interaction, David Mutchler, Claude Anderson, A. Kinley, Cary Laxer, D. Oexmann, and R. Sengupta
Resources for Next Generation Introductory CS Courses: Report of the ITiCSE'99 Working Group on Resources for the Next Generation CS 1 Course, David Mutchler, J. Bergin, A. Kumar, V.K. Prolux, M. McNally, and A. Gaulstich Brady
Design Education Using the International Aerial Robotics Competition, Wayne Padgett
TMS320C67-Based Design of a Digital Audio Power Amplifier Introducing Novel Feedback Strategy, Wayne Padgett and E. Bresch
Blur Identification and Correction for a Given Imaging System, Wayne Padgett and S. Chitale
A Scale and Rotation Insensitive Algorithm for Label Location and Identification, Wayne Padgett and P. Peters
Electrical Engineering Applications with the TI-89, David Voltmer and M. A. Yoder
An Investigation in ZnSe Via Far-From-Equilibrium Dopant Incorporation, Edward Wheeler, J. Boone, N. Brakensiek, J. Farmer, H. Chandrasekhar, and S. Yang
Digital Signal Processing First, Mark Yoder, J. McClellan, and R. Schafer
Submissions from 1998
Pragmatic Logic: A Non-Idealistic, Practical, Opinionated Look at Digital Logic Design, Corrected Edition, William J. Eccles
Developing a Digital Library of Computer Science Teaching Resources, David Mutchler, S. Grissom, D. Knox, E. Copperman, W. Dann, and M. Goldweber
Laptop Computers in an Integrated First-Year Curriculum, David Mutchler, L. Kiaer, and J. Froyd
DSP Instead of Circuits? - Transition to Undergraduate DSP Education at Rose-Hulman, Wayne Padgett and M. Yoder
The Origin of the I1d Excitonic Emission in ZnSe, Edward Wheeler and J. Boone
Transmutation Doping of ZnSe Homoepitaxial Films Using the Single Isotope Se-74, Edward Wheeler, N. Brakensiek, S. Yang, J. Boon, J. Farmer, and H. Chandrasekhar
Photoluminescence of Homoepitaxial Films Grown from Non-Stoichiometric Mixtures of Zn and Se, Edward Wheeler, H Chandrasekhar, S. Yang, N. Brakensiek, J. Boone, and J. Farmer
Detailed Assessment of Engineering Curricula, Edward Wheeler and R. Johnson
Using Writing to Enhance Collaborative Learning in Engineering Courses, Edward Wheeler and R. McDonald
Crystal Radios or DSP first?, Mark Yoder, J.H. McClellan, and R.W. Schafer
DSP Instead of Circuits? - Transition to Undergraduate DSP Education at Rose-Hulman, Mark Yoder and W. Padgett
DSP First: A Multimedia Approach, Mark Yoder, R. W. Schafer, and J. H. McClellan
Submissions from 1997
Electronics Lab Bench in a Laptop: Using Electronics Workbench/Sup (R/) to Enhance Learning in an Introductory Circuits Course, Edward Doering
Pragmatic Circuits and Signals, II: A Non-Idealistic, Practical, Opinionated Look at Electrical Interconnections and the Stuff That Goes Through Them, William J. Eccles
Pragmatic Circuits: A Non-Idealistic, Practical, Opinionated Look at Electrical Interconnections, William J. Eccles
Teaching Design Through Design Competition, Wayne Padgett
Engineering Electromagnetics : Continuous, Discrete, and Numeric, David R. Voltmer
Writing as a Teaching and Learning Tool in Engineering Courses, Edward Wheeler, G. Balazs, and R. McDonald
Incorporation of CuZn Centers in ZnSe Far from Equilibrium, Edward Wheeler, J. Boone, J. Farmer, and H. Chandrasekhar
Neutron Transmutation Doping as an Experimental Probe for CuZn in ZnSe, Edward Wheeler, J. Boone, J. Farmer, and H. Chandrasekhar
Doping ZnSe Far from Equilibrium, Edward Wheeler, N. Brakensiek, J. Boone, and G. Cantwell
Homoepitaxial Growth of ZnSe by PVT of the Elements in a Sealed Ampoule, Edward Wheeler, N. Brakensiek, J. Boone, J. Farmer, and H. Chandresekhar
Submissions from 1996
Competency Matrix Assessment in an Integrated, First-Year Curriculum in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, Claude W. Anderson, Kurt M. Bryan, J.E. Froyd, D.L. Hatten, and N.E. Moore
CircuitViz: A New Method for Visualizing the Dynamic Behavior of Electric Circuits, Edward Doering
Real-Time Classroom Feedback via a Computer Network, Edward Doering
Statistics Visualized, Edward R. Doering
Using Multimedia and GUI Programming in CS 1, Cary Laxer and D. Mutchler
Internet Access Resources: Searching, Newsgroups, Presentation Software, K-12 resources, Blocking Software, Daniel J. Moore
Using Multimedia and GUI Programming in CS 1, David Mutchler and Cary Laxer
Adaptive relaying. A new direction in power system protection, Niusha Rostamkolai, J.D. Coling, S.A. House, J.H. Joice, K.M. Labhart, and J. E. Tenbusch
Visual Transitions: Using Multimedia to Tie Ideas Together, Mark A. Yoder
Using Multimedia to Teach the Theory of Digital Multimedia Signals, Mark Yoder, J. Schodorf, J. McClellan, and R. Schafer
Submissions from 1995
Scientific Visualization in the Circuits Curriculum: Enhancing Student Insight, Edward Doering
Performance Analysis of a Detector for Nonstationary Random Signals, Wayne Padgett
Using Multimedia and the Web to Teach the Theory of Digital Multimedia Signals, Mark A. Yoder, J.H. McClellan, and R.W. Schafer
Submissions from 1994
Approaches to Teaching Introductory Computer Graphics, Cary Laxer, J. Besenham, J. Lansdown, G.S. Owen, and M.M. Larrondo-Petrie
Application of Autoregressive Modeling and Pattern Classification to SURTASS Data, Final Technical Report A-9260, Wayne Padgett
Detection of Low Order Nonstationary Gaussian Random Processes, Ph.D. Thesis, Wayne Padgett
Detection of Nonstationary Random Signals in Colored Noise, Wayne Padgett and D. Williams
Efficient Simulation of Random Signal Detectors, Wayne Padgett and D. Williams
A Contactless Method for Measuring the Bulk Resistance of II-VI Compound Semiconductors, Edward Wheeler, J. Boone, and J. Drewniak
Symbolic Algebra in the Engineering Classroom: What Works, What Doesn't, and What is Yet to Be Tried, Mark Yoder
Submissions from 1993
Sparking life in a Circuits Classroom, Mark A. Yoder
Submissions from 1992
Meeting the Challenges of Electrical Engineering with Computer Algebra Systems, Mark Yoder
Submissions from 1991
The Use of Symbolic Algebra in Electrical Engineering, Mark Yoder
Submissions from 1990
The Use of Computer Animation of Mapped Cardiac Potentials in Studying Electrical Conduction Properties of Arrhythmias, Cary Laxer, C.A. Alferness, W.M. Smith, and R.E. Ideker
Submissions from 1989
Simulation of a Word Recognition System on Two Parallel Architectures, Mark Yoder and L. Jamieson
Submissions from 1985
Microprocessor System A 16-BIT Approach, William J. Eccles