
Submissions from 2017


Choosing Face-To-Face or Video-Based Instruction in a Mobile App Development Course, Matthew Boutell


Entrepreneurial Minded Learning in App Development Courses, Matthew Boutell and D. Fisher


Encouraging Creativity in Capstone Design, Steve Chenoweth, Keelin Leahy, Dan Phillips, Elizabeth Debartolo, Patsy D. Brackin, and Allen White


Entrepreneurial Minded Learning in App Development Courses, David Fisher and Matthew Boutell


A Data-driven Approach Towards Human-robot Collaborative Problem Solving in a Shared Space, Michael Wollowski, Carlotta Berry, Ryder Winck, Alan Jern, David Voltmer, Alan Chiu, and Yosi Shibberu


Natural Logic in AI and Cognitive Science, Michael Wollowski and L. Moss


Artificial Intelligence Education: Editorial Introduction, Michael Wollowski, Todd Neller, and James Boerkoel

Submissions from 2016


Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited Leakage, Nathan Chenette, K. Lewi, S. Weis, and D. Wu


Lighting the Fuse for Creative Problem Solving, Steve Chenoweth, Matthew Lovell, Patricia D. Brackin, Richard A. House, and Kay C. Dee


Injecting CSP for Fun and Security, Sidney Stamm, Cristoph Kerschbaumer, and Stefan Brunthaler


Studying Watson Inside Out - A Cognitive Systems Course, Michael Wollowski


Training Watson - A Cognitive Systems Course, Michael Wollowski


A Survey of Current Practice and Teaching of AI, Michael Wollowski, Robert Selkowitz, Laura E. Brown, Ashok Goel, George Luger, Jim Marshall, Andrew Neel, Todd Neller, and Peter Norvig

Submissions from 2015


Modular Order-Preserving Encryption, Revisited, Nathan Chenette, C. Mavroforakis, A. O'Neill, G. Kollios, and R. Canetti


Teaching Software Architecture to Undergraduate Students: An Experience Report, Steve Chenoweth and Chandan R. Rupakheti


Measuring Requirement Quality to Predict Testability, Mark Hays, Jane Huffman Hayes, Webin Li, Tingting Yu, Xue Han, and Clinton Woodson


An Image-Based Three-Dimensional Digitizer for Pre-Decorating Thermoformed Parts, J.P. Mellor


Teaching Software Architecture to Undergraduate Students: An Experience Report, Chandan Rupakheti and Stephen Chenoweth


An Automated Framework for Recommending Program Elements to Novices, Chandan R. Rupakheti and Kurtis Zimmerman


Towards an Automated Framework for Recommending Program Elements to Novices, Chandan Rupakheti and K. Zimmerman

Submissions from 2014


Capture-time Classification of Mobile Sunset Photos Leveraging Strong Spatiotemporal Cues, Matthew Boutell and Ali Almajed

Photomosaic, Matthew Boutell, D. Nam, A. Almajed, and M. Kraeva


From Faculty to Change Agent: Lessons Learned in the Development and Implementation of a Change Workshop, Stephen Chenoweth, Ella L. Ingram, Richard House, Kay C. Dee, Jameel Ahmed, Julia M. Williams, Craig Downing, and Donald E. Richards

Developing a Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering to Incorporate Sustainability in Engineering Education, Steve Chenoweth, Jennifer Mueller-Price, Patricia D. Brackin, Michael DeVasher, Elton Graves, Richard House, Mark Minster, Kyle A. Rhodes, and Corey Taylor


How CS Undergraduates Make Course Choices, Michael Hewner


Living in a Transparent Future: Search in a Wired World, Michael Wollowski


The Innovation Canvas: An Instructor's Guide, Michael Wollowski, Jameel Ahmed, Renee Rogge, William Kline, Robert Bunch, Thomas W. Mason, and Glen A. Livesay


Increasing Adoption of Smart Learning Content for Computer Science Education, Michael Wollowski, Peter Brusilovsky, Stephen Edwards, Amruth Kumar, Lauri Malmi, Luciana Benotti, Duane Buck, Petri Ihantola, Rikki Prince, Teemu Sirkiä, Sergey Sosnovsky, Jaime Urquiza, and Arto Vihavainen


The Innovation Canvas as a Teaching Tool in Capstone Design: A Reverse-Engineering Case Study, Michael Wollowski, Renee Rogge, Glen A. Livesay, Jameel Ahmed, William Kline, and Robert Bunch


Teaching with Watson, Michael Wollowski and C. Rupakheti

Submissions from 2013


Using GSwE2009 in the Creation and Modification of Graduate Software Engineering Programs and Related Curricula, Shawn Bohner, M. Ardis, L. Camilloni, D. Vallespir, and S. Ilieva


Fulbrights Abroad in Computer Science, Matthew Boutell, Tom Armstrong, and Linda Ott


Undergraduate Conceptions of the Field of Computer Science, Michael Hewner


Investigation into the Personal Epistemology of Computer Science Students, Cary Laxer, Roger McDermott, Iain Pirie, Åsa Cajander, and Mats Daniels

Submissions from 2012


Intended Use Evaluation Approach for Information Visualization, Shawn A. Bohner and Albert Park


Accommodating Adaptive Systems Complexity with Change Tolerance, Shawn A. Bohner, Ramya Ravichandar, and Andrew Milluzzi


Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Shawn Bohner, S. Mohan, and S. Chenoweth


Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Stephen Chenoweth, S. Mohan, and S. Bohner


A Fully Concurrent Garbage Collector, Delvin Defoe, M. Deters, and R. Cytron


Managing International Student Collaborations: An Experience Report, Cary Laxer, Å. Cajander, M. Daniels, C. Kultur, and Lori Russell Dag


Categorizing How Students Use Collaborative Technologies in a Globally Distributed Project, Cary Laxer, Åsa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Mats Cullhed, Tony Clear, and Roger McDermott


Postmortem Stylization of Open-Source Games, Cary Laxer and M. Lester


Student Reflections on Collaborative Technology in a Globally Distributed Student Project, Cary Laxer, R. McDermott, M. Daniels, Å. Cajander, M. Cullhed, and T. Clear


Towards a Better Capstone Experience, Sriram Mohan, S. Chenoweth, and S. Bohner

Submissions from 2011


SPLICE: Self-Paced Learning in an Inverted Classroom Environment, Matthew Boutell and C. Clifton


Teaching Requirements Engineering to Undergraduate Students, Stephen Chenoweth and S. Mohan


Teaching Garbage Collection with Open Source Virtual Machine, Delvin Defoe


Reasoning about the Value of Cultural Awareness in International Collaboration, Cary Laxer, H. Bernáld, Å. Cajander, and M. Daniels


Teaching Requirements Engineering to Undergraduate Students, Sriram Mohan and S. Chenoweth


Knowledge Servers for the Classroom, Michael Wollowski and Kevin Risden

Submissions from 2010


PyTetris, Matthew Boutell, D. Defoe, and C. Clifton


A Simulator for Teaching Robotics Programming Using the iRobot Create, Matthew Boutell and Andrew Hettlinger


Teaching Human-Centered Design with Service-Learning, Stephen Chenoweth, C. Zottowski, and W. Oakes


In Their Words: Student Feedback on an International Project Collaboration, Archana Chidanandan, Lori Russell-Dag, Cary Laxer, and Reyyan Ayfer


In Their Words: Student Feedback on an International Project Collaboration, Cary Laxer, Archana Chidanandan, Lori Russell-Dag, and Reyyan Ayfer


International Sustainable Exchange: Student Projects to Teach Social Responsibility, Cary Laxer, Christopher Ryan Routh, Logan Muller, and Nicholas J. Dimmitt


Effects of Game Tournaments on Learning and Classroom Climate, Michael Wollowski and John Verkamp

Submissions from 2009


MERI: Multidisciplinary Educational Robotics Initiative, Matthew Boutell, C. Berry, D. Fisher, and S. Chenoweth


MERI: Multidisciplinary Educational Robotics Initiative, Steve Chenoweth, C. Berry, M. Boutell, and D. Fisher


MERI: Multidisciplinary Educational Robotics Initiative, David Fisher, C. Berry, M. Boutell, and S. Chenoweth


Students Analyzing Their Collaboration in an International Open Ended Group Project, Cary Laxer, Å. Cajander, T. Clear, M. Daniels, J. Edlund, P. Hamrin, and M. Persson


Evolution of an International Collaborative Student Project, Cary Laxer, M. Daniels, Å. Cajander, and Michael Wollowski


Model-Based Engineering of Software: Three Productivity Perspectives, Sriram Mohan and S. Bohner


Evolution of an International Collaborative Student Project, Michael Wollowski, Cary Laxer, Mats Daniels, and Åsa Cajander

Submissions from 2008


Comparison of Two Methods in Detecting Late-Night Talk Shows Using Pattern Recognition, Matthew Boutell, Justin Miller, and Joshua Burbrink


Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Steve Chenoweth, Jessica L. Anderson, Rebecca DeVasher, Richard House, Jessica Livingston, Mark Minster, Corey Taylor, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams


Panel Session - Pen-Based Computing in the Engineering and Science Classroom: Implementation Scenarios from Three Institutions, Archana Chidanandan, Patrick Ferro, J. Frolik, Maki Hirotani, K. Schmidt, Deborah Walter, and Julia M. Williams


Measuring the Impact of Tablet PCs and Dyknow Vision Software on Students' Note-Taking Strategies: A Cross-Disciplinary Case Study, Archana Chidanandan, Julia M. Williams, P. Coppinger, D. Fisher, M. Hirotani, R. Rogge, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, Kevin Sutterer, and Deborah Walter


Panel Session - Pen-Based Computing in the Engineering and Science Classroom: Implementation Scenarios from Three Institutions, Patrick Ferro, Archana Chidanandan, J. Frolik, Maki Hirotani, K. Schmidt, Deborah Walter, and Julia M. Williams


Measuring the Impact of Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software on Students' Note-Taking Strategies: A Cross-Disciplinary Case Study, D. Fisher, Julia Williams, Archana Chidanandan, M. Hirotani, P. Coppinger, Renee Rogge, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, Kevin Sutterer, and Deborah Walter


From Foundations to Current Work in a One Quarter Course on Artificial Intelligence, Michael Wollowski

Submissions from 2007


Home Interior Classification Using SIFT Keypoint Histograms, Matthew Boutell and Brian Ayers


Challenging the Advanced First-Year Student's Learning Process through Student Presentations, Matthew Boutell, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, and Mary Z. Last


Scene Parsing Using Region-Based Generative Models, Matthew Boutell, J. Luo, and C. Brown


Adapting Cooperative Learning to Teach Software Architecture in Multiple Role-teams, Steve Chenoweth, Mark Ardis, and Cheryl Dugas


Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, and Julia M. Williams


Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Laurence Merkle, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams


Design and Implementation of a Miniscule General Purpose Processor in an Under-Graduate Computer Architecture Course, Archana Chidanandan, J.P. Mellor, and Laurence Merkle


Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, David Fisher, A. Chidanandan, R. DeVasher, P. Ferro, S. Mitra-Kirtley, L. Merkle, D. Mutchler, S. Sexton, M. Simoni, and J. Williams


A Knowledge Base for the Emerging Discipline of Computer Graphics, Cary Laxer, T. Alley, T. Flaxman, J. Geigel, S. Gold, L. Hitchner, G. Orr, B. Pollack, and C. Sanders


Design and Implementation of a Minuscule General Purpose Processor in an Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course, J.P. Mellor, Archana Chidanandan, and Laurence Merkle


Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Mario Simoni, and Julia M. Williams


Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, David Fisher, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Mario Simoni, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams


Design and Implementation of a Minuscule General Purpose Processor in an Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course, Laurence Merkle, Archana Chidanandan, and J.P. Mellor


Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, David Mutchler, A. Chidanandan, R. DeVasher, P. Ferro, S. Mitra-Kirtley, David Fisher, L. Merkle, M. Simoni, S. Sexton, A. Watt, and J. Willams


Work in progress - Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, David Mutchler, A. Chidanandan, R. DeVasher, P. Ferro, S. Mitra-Kirtley, L. Merkle, D. Fisher, S. Sexton, M. Simoni, and J. Williams


Development of a Multi Level Assessment for a Cross Disciplinary Project Evaluating the Symbiosis of Tablet PC's and Collaboration Facilitating Software in the Classroom, David Mutchler, Rebecca DeVasher, Patrick Ferro, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, and Julia M. Williams

Submissions from 2006


Using Semantic Features for Scene Classification: How Good do They Need to Be?, Matthew Boutell, A. Choudhury, J. Luo, and C. Brown


Pictures Are Not Taken in a Vacuum: An Overview of Exploiting Context for Semantic Scene Content Understanding, Matthew Boutell, J. Lou, and C. Brown


Factor Graphs for Region-Based Whole-Scene Classification, Matthew Boutell, Jiebo Luo, and C. M. Brown


What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, Archana Chidanandan, Zachariah Chambers, Rebecca DeVasher, Laurence Merkle, Mark Minster, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey


What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, Laurence Merkle, Zachariah Chambers, Archana Chidanandan, Rebecca DeVasher, Mark Minster, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, David Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, Anneliese Watt, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey


Tablet or Laptop? Does the Pen Matter, and If So, In What Way?, David Mutchler, Zachariah Chambers, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Shannon Sexton, Julia M. Williams, and Meredith Zoetewey


What is Beyond the Laptop Initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision Software, David Mutchler, Z. Chambers, A. Chidanandan, R. DeVasher, L. Merkle, M. Minster, S. Mitra-Kirtley, S. Sexton, A. Watt, J. Williams, and M. Zoetewey


A Theorem Prover for a Diagrammatic Blocks World, Michael Wollowski

Submissions from 2005


Natural Scene Classification Using Overcomplete ICA, Matthew Boutell and J. Luo


A Generalized Temporal Context Model for Classifying Image Collections, Matthew Boutell, J. Luo, and C. Brown


Managing Cross-Cultural Differences in an Open Ended Group Project Course, Cary Laxer, M. Daniels, L. Barker, A. Cajander, and Daniel Moore


Facilitating Student Learning Through Study Abroad and International Projects, Cary Laxer, Ursula Fuller, June Amillo, W. Michael McCracken, and Joseph Mertz

Preliminary Findings on the Clinical Utility of an Unobtrusive Home Health Monitoring System, J.P. Mellor, P. Woodbridge, and M. Weiner