
Submissions from 2005


Search and Inference with Diagrams, Michael Wollowski

Submissions from 2004


The Beginning Computer Graphics Course in Computer Science, Cary Laxer, S. Cunningham, W. Hansmann, and J. Shi

The World Wide Web at 10, The Dream and the Reality, William B. Pickett, R. Cailliau, Jean-Francois Abramatic, Lee Rainie, Charles R. Nesson, T. H. Nelson, P. F. Kunz, C. Doctorow, L. Pouzin, and Mark A. Ardis


A Diagrammatic Inference System for the Web, Michael Wollowski, P. Nei, and C. Barrell

Submissions from 2003


Case Studies in Admissions to and Early Performance in Computer Science Degrees, Cary Laxer, Sylvia Alexander, Martyn Clark, Ken Loose, June Amillo, Mats Daniels, Roger Boyle, and Dermot Shinners-Kennedy


Geometry and Texture from Thousands of Images, J.P. Mellor


An XML-Based Syllabus Editor and Search Engine, Michael Wollowski


Towards a General-Purpose Search Engine, Michael Wollowski and S. Signorelli

Submissions from 2002

A Student Team Research Approach to the Second Course in Computer Graphics, Cary Laxer


Evaluating Student Team Project Experiences, Cary Laxer


Addressing Student Cheating: Definitions and Solutions, Cary Laxer, Martin Dick, Judy Sheard, Cathy Bareiss, Janet Carter, Donald Joyce, and Trevor Harding


Teaching Diversity Through Inclusive Design Case Studies, J.P. Mellor, L. Goldberg, E. Jolly, B. Moeller, M. Rothberg, R. Stamper, and M. Wollowski


XML Based Course Websites, Michael Wollowski


Teaching Diversity Through Inclusive Design Case Studies, Michael Wollowski, L. Goldberg, E. Jolly, J. Mellor, B. Moeller, M. Rothberg, and R. Stamper

Submissions from 2001


Treating Computer Science as Science: An Experiment with Sorting, Cary Laxer


A Multi-national, Multi-institutional Study of Assessment of Programming Skills of First-year CS Students, Cary Laxer, M. McCracken, V. Almstrum, D. Diaz, M. Guzdial, D. Hagan, Y. Kolikant, L. Thomas, I. Utting, and T. Wilusz


An Undergraduate Research Course Aimed at Furthering the Web, Michael Wollowski

Submissions from 2000

Using Computer Graphics to Reinforce Mathematics, Cary Laxer


Quality Assurance: How much is Needed?, Cary Laxer and A. Young


Introducing Computer Science Using a Breadth-First Approach and Functional Programming, Michael Wollowski and Scott Vandenberg

Submissions from 1999


Differentiation of Free and Embedded Porcine Pancreatic Islets Using a Novel Automated Image Analysis Algorithm, Cary Laxer, K. J. Wile, W. Schwartzkopf, McCabe Olsen, T. Fetterhoff, T. Cavanagh, and M. J. Wright

Submissions from 1998


An Interactive Course on Fractals and Chaos, Cary Laxer and Aaron Klebanoff


The Impact of Campus-wide Portable Computing on Computer Science Education, Cary Laxer, S. Thomas, T. Nishida, and H. Sherlock

Submissions from 1997


Developing Laboratories for the SIGCSE Computing Laboratory Repository: Guidelines, Recommendations, and Sample Labs, Cary Laxer, Daniel Joyce, Deborah Knox, Jill Gerhardt-Powals, Elliot Koffman, Wolfgang Kreuzer, Kenneth Loose, Erkki Sutinen, and R. Alan Whitehurst

Object-Oriented Artificial Intelligence: Using C++, Kim W. Tracy and P. Bouthoorn

Submissions from 1996


Using Multimedia and GUI Programming in CS 1, Cary Laxer and D. Mutchler


Using Multimedia and GUI Programming in CS 1, David Mutchler and C. Laxer

Submissions from 1994


Computer Graphics Curriculum: Time for a Change?, Cary Laxer, G. Scott Owen, and Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie

Submissions from 1991


An Interactive Graphics System for Locating Plunge Electrodes in Cardiac MRI Images, Cary Laxer, G. Allen Johnson, Katherine M. Kavanagh M.D., Edward Simpson, Raymond E. Ideker M.D., and William M. Smith

Submissions from 1990


The Use of Computer Animation of Mapped Cardiac Potentials in Studying Electrical Conduction Properties of Arrhythmias, Cary Laxer, C. Alferness, W. Smith, and R. Ideker


A Graphical Display System for Animating Mapped Cardiac Potentials, Cary Laxer, R. Ideker, W. Smith, P. Wolf, and E. Simpson

Submissions from 1985


The Use of Unipolar Epicardial QRS Potentials to Estimate Myocardial Infarction, Cary Laxer, R. Ideker, and T. Pilkington

Submissions from 1984

Meeting the Demand for Computer Time with Personal Computers at Engineering Colleges, Cary Laxer


Computer Literacy for the Junior High School Student, Cary Laxer and K. Bowyer

Submissions from 1983


Duke University Computer Kamp 1982, Cary Laxer, Kevin Bowyer, and Mel Ray