Submissions from 2018
Teamwork Assessments Support Reflective Practice in Capstone Engineering Design Courses, International Journal of Engineering Education, Patrick Cunningham, H. Matusovich, S. A. Blackowski, R. McCord, and C. Carrico
A First Look at Side-by-Side Piezoelectric Harvesters in Fractal Square Grid-Generated Turbulence, Amir Danesh-Yazdi, Nicholas Chiappazzi, D. Lachendro, and K. Ferko
Are Side-by-Side Piezoelectric Harvesters a Feasible Power Source in Low-Intensity Grid Turbulence?, Amir Danesh-Yazdi and Kevin Ferko
A Consistent Approach to Problem Solving in Mechanical Vibrations, Amir Danesh-Yazdi, Yi Wu, and Oladipo Onipede
First Steps in Qualitative Research: A Faculty Development Experience, Ella Ingram and Aimee Cloutier
Nanoscale tilt measurement using a cyclic interferometer with polarization phase stepping and multiple reflections, Charles Joenathan, Ashley Bernal, T. Naderishahab, A. B. Krovetz, V. C. Pretheesh Kumar, and A. R. Ganesan
Rattlebacks for Undergraduate Engineers: Modelling Complex Behavior using Introductory Dynamics and Numerical Methods, Simon Jones and Kirby Kern
Decoupling of Second-Order Linear Systems by Isospectral Transformation, Daniel Kawano, Rubens Salsa, and Fai Ma
Decoupling of Second-Order Linear Systems by Isospectral Transformation, Daniel Kawano, Rubens Salsa, and Fai Ma
Decoupling of Second-Order Linear Systems by Isospectral Transformation, Daniel T. Kawano, R. G. Salsa, and F. Z. Ma
The inverse problem of linear Lagrangian dynamics, Daniel T. Kawano, Rubens Goncalves Salsa Jr., Fai Ma, and George Leitmann
A canonical form of the equation of motion of linear dynamical systems, Daniel T. Kawano, Rubens Goncalves Salsa Jr., Fai Ma, and Matthias Morzfeld
Making MIDFIELD More Accessible: A Workshop for R Beginners, Richard A. Layton, R. A. Long, S. M. Lord, M. W. Ohl, M. K. Orr, and N. Ramirez
"Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost." Examining Outcomes for Migrating Engineering Students Using Ecosystem Metrics, Richard A. Layton, M. W. Ohland, S. M. Lord, and M. M. Camacho
Board 90: Expanding Access to and Participation in MIDFIELD (Year 2), Richard A. Layton, Matthew W. Oland, S. M. Lord, M. K. Orr, R. A. Long, R. A. Layton, C. E. Brawner, and N. Ramirez
Technical Communication Across the ME Curriculum at Rose-Hulman, Jim Mayhew, Sarah Summers, Rebecca Bercich, and Phillip Cornwell
An Engineering Design-Oriented First Year Biomedical Engineering Curriculum, Jay McCormack, Kay C. Dee, Patricia Brackin, Anneliese Watt, Alan Chiu, Glen A. Livesay, Renee Rogge, and Richard House
A First-Year Power Plant Design Project, Ben Mertz
Benchmarking Teaming Instruction Across a Curriculum, Ben Mertz, Shraddha Sangelkar, Ashley Bernal, and Patrick Cunningham
Benchmarking Teaming Instruction Across a Curriculum, Ben Mertz, Shraddha Sangelkar, Ashley Bernal, and Patrick Cunningham
A Framework for Audience and Context Analysis in an Engineering Consulting Environment, Sean Moseley
Global Engineering and the Social Context: A Cross-Disciplinary Course for Undergraduates, Richard Onyancha, Rebecca Bercich, Kyle Kershaw, John Aidoo, Timothy Grose, and Irene Reizman
A Flipped Model to Develop Improved Problem Identification & Development Skills in a Mechanics of Materials Course, Matthew E. Riley
Stochastic Modeling of a High Speed Composite Flywheel for Energy Storage, Matt Riley and Justin Pettingill
Encouraging Creativity in Capstone Design, Allen White, Keelin Leahy, Dan Phillips, Elizabeth Debartolo, Patricia Brackin, and Stephen Chenoweth
Comparison between Position and Rate Control Using a Foot Interface, Ryder Winck and Zachary J. Dougherty
Can an Engineering Competition Catalyze Curriculum Innovation?, Ryder Winck, Alan Jern, Carlotta Berry, and Yosi Shiberru
Submissions from 2017
Dimensional Analysis of a Hot-Arm Actuator, Thomas Adams
Finding a Passion and Making It Happen: A Program's Approach to Promoting Entrepreneurship, Making, and Innovation through Hands-On Projects that Benefit Society, Ashley Bernal, Timothy Joseph Balz, William A. Kline, Jessica Livingston, and Stephen Michael Misak
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Ashley Bernal, Patricia Brackin, Jay Patrick McCormack, Richard A. House, Anneliese Watt, and Bill Riley
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Ashley Bernal, P. Brackin, R. House, J. McCormack, A. Watt, and B. Riley
Development of Enhanced Value, Feature, and Stakeholder Views for a Model-Based Design Approach, Ashley Bernal, William A. Kline, William D. Schindel, and Mario Simoni
Development of a Design Canvas with Application to First-Year and Capstone Design Course, Ashley Bernal, William A. Kline, William D. Schindel, Joe Tranquillo, and Cory Hixson
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Patricia Brackin, A. Bernal, R. House, J. McCormack, A. Watt, and B. Riley
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Patricia Brackin, Ashley Bernal, Jay Patrick McCormack, Richard A. House, Anneliese Watt, and Bill Riley
Studio Sessions: Engineering Epistemology, Design Pedagogy, and Rhetoric, Patricia Brackin, Richard House, and Anneliese Watt
Study of Direct and Collisional Excitation of Automotive Fuel, Patricia Brackin, Richard House, and Anneliese Watt
Encouraging Creativity in Capstone Design, Patricia Brackin, K. Leahy, D. Phillips, S. Chenoweth, and A. White
A Gauss Pseudospectral Collocation for Rapid Trajectory Prediction and Guidance, Bradley Burchett
Effect of Melt-Pool Spacing in Re-Verification of Glass-Forming Fe-B-Si Alloy During Pulsed Laser Micro Polishing, Patrick Cantwell, B. Richter, J. Morrow, and F. Pfefferrkorn
Segregation-Induced Ordered Superstructures at General Grain Boundaries in a Nickel-Bismuth Alloy, Patrick Cantwell, Z. Yu, Q Gao, D. Yin, Y. Zhang, N. Zhou, G. Rohrer, M. Widom, J. Luo, and M. Harmer
Lessons Learned in Starting a Commercial Aquaponics Operation: Greener Scenes, Zachariah Chambers, M. Pollom, B. Hall, and D. DeBard
Work in Progress: Examining the Value of Reflection in Engineering Practice and Education, Patrick Cunningham, Kristine R. Csavina, Adam R. Carberry, and Trevor Scott Harding
Beginning to Understand Student Indicators of Metacognition, Patrick Cunningham, Holly M. Matusovich, Deirdre-Annaliese Nicole Hunter, Sarah Anne Blackowski, and Sreyoshi Bhaduri
Applied Biofluid Mechanics 2nd Ed, Jerry M. Fine and Lee Waite
Harmonic Response of a Layered Halfspace Using Reduced Finite Element Model with Perfectly-matched Layer Boundaries, Simon Jones
Harmonic response of layered halfspace using reduced finite element model with perfectly-matched layer boundaries, Simon Jones
Comparing Student Outcomes for Women and Men in Electrical Engineering to Civil, Chemical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering in the U.S.A., Richard A. Layton, Susan M. Lord, and Matthew W. Ohland
Comparing Student Outcomes for Women and Men in Electrical Engineering to Civil, Chemical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering in the U.S.A., Richard Layton, M.W. Ohland, and S.M. Lord
Student Demographics, Pathways, and Outcomes in Industrial Engineering, Richard Layton, Mary Pilotte, Matthew W. Ohland, Susan M. Lord, and Marisa K. Orr
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Jay McCormack, Patricia Brackin, Ashley Bernal, Richard A. House, Anneliese Watt, and Bill Riley
Entrepreneurial Thinking in a First-Year Engineering Design Studio, Jay McCormack, P. Brackin, R. House, A. Bernal, A. Watt, and B. Riley
The Engineering Communication Manual, Sean Moseley, Richard A. Layton, Jessica Livingston, and Richard House
Role of Artifacts in Creating a Self-Renewing Design and Manufacturing Community of Practice, Matthew E. Riley and William M. Hoffman
Sustainability and Professional Identity in Engineering Education, Matthew E. Riley, William M. Hoffman, and Benjamin W. Spencer
Encouraging Creativity in Capstone Design, Allen White, Patricia D. Brackin, Stephen V. Chenoweth, Elizabeth A. Debartolo, Keelin Leahy, and Dan iel B. Phillips
Stability and Performance of the SVD System, Ryder Winck and Wayne J. Book
Tensor Decomposition for Control of Many Systems with Reduced Inputs, Ryder C. Winck and Qikai Huang
The Application of Geometric Constraint Programming to the Design of Stephenson III Dwell Linkages, Ryder Winck and Qikai Huang
A data-driven approach towards human-robot collaborative problem solving in a shared space, Ryder Winck, Michael Wollowski, Carlotta Berry, Alan Jern, Alan Chiu, and Yosi Shibberu
Submissions from 2016
Improved Method for Converting Equivalent Sand-Grain Roughness to Hazen-Williams Coefficient, Thomas Adams
Cavity Resonator Wireless Power Transfer System for Freely-Moving Animal Experiments, Rebecca Bercich, K.A. Thackston, H. Mei, J.G. Jefferys, and P.P. Irazoqui
Dual-Arm Multiple-Reflection Michelson Interferometer for Large Multiple Reflections and Increased Sensitivity, Ashley Bernal, C. Joenathan, Y. Woonghee, R. Bunch, and C. Hakoda
Modifying Model-Based Systems Engineering for Undergraduate Students, Ashley Bernal, Scott Kirkpatrick, and Anneliese Watt
Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineers: An Application of the Three C's (Creativity, Curiosity, and Connections) in a Collaborative Summer Mega-Course, Ashley Bernal, S. Kirkpatrick, and A. Watt
Usability Testing: Influencing Design Decisions and Improving Documentation, Ashley Bernal, S. Kirkpatrick, and A. Watt
Helping Undergraduate Students of Any Engineering Discipline Develop a Systems Perspective, Ashley Bernal, M. Simoni, E. Andrijcic, and B. Kline
Design, Creativity, and Creativity Techniques: Finding, Encouraging, and Developing the 'Voice of the Designer', Patricia Brackin, G. Livesay, K. Dee, and A. White
Lighting the Fuse for Creative Problem Solving, Patricia Brackin, M. Lovell, R. House, S. Chenoweth, and K. Dee
Correlations Between Microstructure, Fracture Morphology, and Fracture Toughness of Nanocrystalline Ni-W Alloys, Patrick Cantwell, W. Cao, C. Marvel, D. Yin, Y. Zhang, M. Harmer, and J. Luo
A Grain Boundary "TTT" - "Tribute to Thomas"!, Patrick Cantwell, M. Harmer, and C. Marvel
Grain Boundary Segregation in Al-Mn Electrodeposits Prepared from Ionic Liquid, Patrick Cantwell, T. Huang, C. Marvel, P. Cantwell, M. Harmer, and C. Schuh
The Influence of Oxygen Contamination on the Thermal Stability and Hardness of Nanocrystalline Ni-W Alloys, Patrick Cantwell, C. Marvel, D. Yin, and M. Harmer
Expanding Time-Temperature-Transformation (Ttt) Diagrams to Interfaces: A New Approach for Grain Boundary Engineering, Patrick Cantwell, S. Ma, S. Bojarski, G. Rohrer, and M. Harmer
Complexion Time-Temperature-Transformation (TTT) Diagrams: Opportunities and Challenges, Patrick Cantwell, O. Schumacher, C. Marvel, M. Kelly, R. Vinci, J. Rickman, G. Rohrer, and M. Harmer
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 11th Ed., Phillip J. Cornwell and F. P. Beer
Cross-Disciplinary Exploration and Application of Reflection as a High Impact Pedagogy, Patrick Cunningham, Heather Chenette, Ella L. Ingram, Jay McCormack, and Sarah Summers
Beginning to Understand and Promote Engineering Students' Metacognitive Development, Patrick Cunningham, J. Morelock, and H. Matusovich
Making the Multiple Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development (MIDFIELD) more accessible to researchers, Richard A. Layton, W.M. Ohland, R.A. Long, S.M. Lord, M.K. Orr, and C.E. Brawner
Expanding Access to and Participation in the Multiple Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development, Richard Layton, R.A. Long, S.M. Lord, M.K. Orr, C.E. Brawner, and M.W. Ohland
Cross-Disciplinary Exploration and Application of Reflection as a High Impact Pedagogy, Jay McCormack, H. Chenette, E. Ingram, P. Cunningham, and S.E. Summers
Enhancing Student Learning through Using and Writing EPSA Scenarios, Jay McCormack, E. Schmeckpeper, A. Kranov, Michael Kelley, and S. Beyerlein
Insights Gained from the First Teaching of a Multidisciplinary, Appropriate Technology Course, Andrew Mech, W. Padgett, and M. Marincel Payne
The Benchtop Hybrid - Using a Long-Term Design Project to Integrate the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, John Mirth
Optimization of Wear-Resistant Coating Architectures Using Finite Element Analysis, Lorraine Olson, T. Gorishnyy, M. Oden, S. Aouadi, and S. Rohde
An Inverse Problem Approach to Early Detection of Breast Cancer, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, and A. Nolte
Design, Creativity, and Creativity Techniques: Finding, Encouraging, and Developing the 'Voice of the Designer', Allen White, G. Livesay, K. Dee, and P. Brackin
Passivity and Practical Considerations for the SNMF System, Ryder C. Winck and W.J. Book
Submissions from 2015
Analysis of Shock-Plugs in Quasi-One-Dimensional Compressible Flow, Thomas Adams, E. Chang, B. Stevens, and M. Thompson
Advances in Speckle Metrology, Ashley Bernal, R.S. Sirohi, and C. Joenathan
The Needs of Others: Social Entrepreneurship Versus the Profit Motive, Patricia Brackin, R. House, M. Minster, and J. Mueller Price
Valuing, Learning: Revising a Sustainability Curriculum for First-Year Students, Patricia Brackin, M. Minster, R. House, and C. Taylor
What We Talk About When We Talk About Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Patricia Brackin, M. Minster, J. Mueller Price, and R. House
Supporting Students' Skillful Learning: Lessons Learned from a Faculty Development Workshop, Patricia Brackin, M. Ohland, D. Giurintano, B. Novoselich, and S. Sangelkar
Euler-Lagrange Optimal Control for Symmetric Projectiles, Bradley Burchett and A. Nash
Anti-Thermal Behavior of Materials, Patrick Cantwell, E. Holm, M. Harmer, and M. Hoffmann
The Critical Influence of Carbon on the Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Ni-W Alloys, Patrick Cantwell, C. Marvel, and M. Harmer
Teaching Metacognition: Helping Students Own and Improve Their Learning, Patrick Cunningham, H.M. Matusovich, D.A. Hunter, and R.E. McCord
Review of Grain Boundary Complexion Engineering: Know Your Boundaries, Patrick Cunningham, J. Turns, B. Sattler, L. Thomas, C. Atman, R. Bankhead III, A. Carberry, K. Csavina, D. Faust, T. Harding, and K. Yasuhara