Submissions from 2006
Improvements to a Mechatronic Systems Course for Mechanical Engineers, David Fisher and C.T. Merkel
Mini-Labs: A Hands-On Substitute for Lectures, Richard Layton
Determining the Hall-Petch Relationship in a Mechanical Measurements Course, Richard Layton, D. Fisher, and P. Ferro
Underwater Hacker Missile Wars: A Cryptography and Engineering Contest, Richard Layton, J. Holden, L. Merkle, and T. Hudson
Mechanical Measurements: Rewriting the Script, Richard Layton and J. Mayhew
Mechanical Measurements: Rewriting the Script, James Mayhew and R. Layton
Exploring the Principle Components of Time Method for Estimating Potentials from a Non-contact Probe, Lorraine Olson and R. Thorne
Estimating Potentials from a Noncontact Probe, Lorraine Olson and R. Throne
Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Feasibility of Inverse Estimation of Tumor Size and Location, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, and J. Butcher
Special Treatments for Valve/Hole Regions in Endocardial Potential Estimates from Non-Contact Intracavitary Probes, Lorraine Olson, Robert Throne, J. R. Windle, J. A. Schweitzer, and E. J. Voth
Estimates of Endocardial Potentials from Non-Contact Intracavity Probes, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, J. Windle, J. Schweitzer, and E. Voth
Inverse Electrocardiography: Endocardial Potential Estimates from Non-Contact Intracavitary Probes with Special Treatments for Valve/Hole Regions, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, J. Windle, J. Schweitzer, and E. Voth
Differences in Cultural Expectation between Faculty and Students in an International Collaboration, L. Wayne Sanders and Y. Hoshino
Determination of Minimum Required Halo Pin Force, Richard Stamper, J. Karnes, K. Moench, N. Ordway, and T. Trammell
Submissions from 2005
Economic Optimization of Heat-Transfer Systems, Thomas M. Adams
Capstone Design Projects with Industry: Emphasizing Teaming and Management Tools, Patricia Brackin and J. Gibson
An Undergraduate System Identification Experiment, Bradley Burchett and R. Layton
Monitoring Femoral Component Installation Using Vibration Testing, Phillip Cornwell, S. Giardini, and R. Meneghini
Enhancing Power Harvesting Using a Tuned Auxiliary Structure, Phillip Cornwell, J. Goethal, J. Kowko, and M. Damianakis
Should Kinetics Follow Kinematics? Only in the Dictionary!, Phillip Cornwell and R. Layton
An Undergraduate System Identification Experiment, Richard A. Layton and Bradely T. Burchett
An Undergraduate System-Identification Experiment, Richard Layton and B. Burchett
Should Kinetics Follow Kinematics? Only in the Dictionary!, Richard Layton and Philip Cornwell
Underwater Model Rockets: An Innovative Design Problem and Competition for Undergraduate Students in Engineering, Richard Layton, J. Holden, T. Hudson, and L. Merkle
Developing a Peer Evaluation Instrument that is Simple, Reliable, and Valid, Richard Layton, M. Loughry, R. Carter, L. Bullard, R. Felder, C. Finelli, M. Ohland, and D. Schmucker
Effects of Behavioural Anchors on Peer Evaluation Reliability, Richard Layton, M. Ohland, M. Loughry, and A. Yuhasz
Harmonious Combination of Tradition and Innovation-Making a Connection between Liberal Arts and Technical Courses, and East and West, L. Sanders and Y. Hoshino
Submissions from 2004
An Undergraduate MEMS Course for Everyone, Thomas Adams
TiNi MEMS Heat Engine, Thomas Adams, S.R. Kirkpatrick, Z. Wang, and A. Siahmakoun
Fuzzy Logic Trajectory Design and Guidance for Terminal Area Energy Management, Bradley Burchett
Automating the Process of Assigning Students to Cooperative-Learning Teams, Richard Layton, M. Ellis, R. Cavanaugh, and M. Ardis
Ideas Into Action: Using Learning Objectives to Revitalize a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Sequence, Richard Layton, A. Mech, and J. Mayhew
The Effect of Freestream Turbulence on Film Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Effectiveness Using Compound Angle Holes, James Mayhew, J. Baughn, and A. Byerley
Ideas Into Action: Using Learning Objectives to Revitalize a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Sequence, James Mayhew, R. Layton, and A. Mech
Speaking the Buick Language: Capturing, Understanding, and Exploring Brand Identity with Shape Grammars, Jay McCormack, Jonathan Cagan, and Craig M. Vogel
Ideas Into Action: Using Learning Objectives to Revitalize a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Sequence, Andrew Mech, R. Layton, and J. Mayhew
Improved Inverse Solutions for On-line Machine Tool Monitoring, Lorraine Olson, R.D. Throne, and E. Rost
Submissions from 2003
The Study of a Light-Activated Albumin Protein Solder to Bond Layers of Porcine Small Intestine Submucosa (SIS), Christine Buckley and M.H. Ware
Using Modeling and Simulation Projects to Meet Learning Objectives in an Upper-Level Course in System Dynamics, Richard Layton
Using Senior Lab Projects to Develop Prototypes of Experiments in System Dynamics and Instrumentation, Richard Layton
Sound Generation Mechanism of Shock-Associated Noise, Calvin Lui and Sanjiva K. Lele
Generalized Eigensystem Algorithms for the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography, Lorraine Olson and R. Thorne
Estimating Endocardial Potentials from a Non-Contact Probe, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, and J. Windle
Learning Both Ways - Coming to America, Going to Japan, Wayne Sanders and Y. Hoshino
Computational Methods In Biophysics, Biomaterials, Biotechnology and Medical Systems : Algorithm Development, Mathematical Analysis, and Diagnostics, Robert D. Thorne, Lorraine G. Olson, and Cornelius T. Leondes
Submissions from 2002
Assessing Engineering Education: An Industrial Analogy, Patricia Brackin
Using Genetic Algorithms to Set Target Values for Engineering Characteristics in the House of Quality, Patricia Brackin and J. Colton
Bond Strength of Fibrin Glue Between Layers of Porcine Small Intestine Submucosa (SIS), Christine Buckley and Z.R. Nicoson
QR-Based Algorithm for Eigenvalue Derivatives, Bradley T. Burchett and Mark Costello
Effective Practices in the Electrical Systems Service Course, Zachariah Chambers, C. Grigg, R. Layton, and E. Wheeler
Experimentally Identifying the Transfer Function of an Electromechanical System, Richard Layton and C. Grigg
Effective Practices in the Electrical Systems Service Course, Richard Layton, C. Grigg, Z. Chambers, and E. Wheeler
Killing Two Birds with One Data Acquisition System, Richard Layton and J. Mayhew
The Effect of Freestream Turbulence on Film Cooling Heat Transfer, James Mayhew, J. Baughn, and A. Byerley
Killing Two Birds with One Data Acquisition System, James Mayhew and R. Layton
The Maximum A Posteriori Approach to the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography, Lorraine Olson, G. Bu, R. Throne, and J. Windle
A Comparison of Methods for Estimating Endocardial Potentials from a Noncontact Probe, Lorraine Olson, R. Throne, G Bu, and J.R. Windle
A New Method for Teaching the Fourbar Linkage and Its Application to Other Linkages, Lorraine Olson, R.D. Throne, and J.R. Windle
A Novel Method for Prevention of Intraoperative Fracture in Cementless Hip Arthroplasty: Vibration Analysis During Femoral Component Insertion, Richard Stamper, J. Klingenberg, A. Keown, D. Moser, and T. Neal
Analysis of Pin Force Distributions of Halo Orthoses, Richard Stamper, W. Kuester, and N. Ordway
Design and Initial Testing of a Novel Halo Orthosis, Richard Stamper and B. Woodcox
Submissions from 2001
Problems Supplement to Accompany Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 6th Ed., Philip Cornwell, Ferdinand P. Beer, and E. Russell Johnston
Talking About the Rhetorical Situation of Classroom Problem Documentation, Richard Layton and B. Fabien
Integrating the Mechanical Engineering Core, Donald Richards
Basic Engineering Science --- A Systems, Accounting, and Modeling Approach, Donald E. Richards
Submissions from 2000
Pedagogical Implications of project selection in capstone design courses, Patricia Brackin, D. Nassersharif, and D. O'Bannon
Mechanics in the Rose-Hulman Foundation Coalition Sophomore Curriculum, Phillip Cornwell and J.M. Fine
Mechanics in the Rose-Hulman Foundation Coalition Sophomore Curriculum, Jerry Fine and P. Cornwell
Peer Evaluation in Teams of Predominantly Minority Students, Richard Layton and M. Ohland
Adiabatic Effectiveness and Nusselt Number Distribution on a Flat Surface with an Oblique Impinging Jet, James Mayhew, J. Baughn, and M. Dietzel
Kinematic Constraint Analysis of Halo Orthoses, Richard Stamper and W. Kuester
Submissions from 1999
Assessment and Quality Improvement Process in Engineering and Engineering Education, Patricia Brackin and G.M. Rogers
Thermodynamics, 6th Ed., Donald E. Richards and K. Wark
Submissions from 1998
An Algorithm for H/sub /spl infin// Optimization of a Linear Time Invariant System using Singular Value Decomposition, Bradley Burchett and M. Costello
Principles of Analytical System Dynamics, Richard Layton
A Photoelastic Study of Strains in the Proximal Tibia Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, James Mayhew, J. Baughn, M. Anderson, and R. Butler
Submissions from 1996
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 6th Ed., Phillip J. Cornwell and F. P. Beer
Submissions from 1995
Fast Forward - An Adventure in Engineering for 7th and 8th Grade Girls, Phillip J. Cornwell, D. Stienstra, and Susan Smith
Submissions from 1991
Forecasting and management of technology, A. Thomas Roper, S. W. Cunningham, T. W. Mason, A. L. Porter, J. Banks, and F. A. Rossini