This series is not peer reviewed. The authors (with guidance from mentors) are responsible for the correctness of results and exposition of the papers.
Submissions from 2002
The Galois Correspondence for Branched Covering Spaces and its Relationship to Hecke Algebras, Matthew Ong
Fast Reconstruction of Cracks Using Boundary Measurements, Nicholas A. Trainor and Rachel M. Krieger
A Restricted Partition Function Modulo 3, Naomi Utgof
Applications of Graph Theory to Separability, Stephen Young
Submissions from 2001
Separability of Tilings, Nicholas Baeth, Jason Deblois, and Lisa Powell
Triangular Surface Tiling Groups for Low Genus, Sean A. Broughton, Robert M. Dirks, Maria Sloughter, and C. Ryan Vinroot
Lengths of Systoles on Tileable Hyperbolic Surfaces, Kevin Woods
Submissions from 2000
Ramanujan-Like Congreuences of the Distinct Partition Function, Ian Blumenfeld, Christi Carlstead, Mimi Cukier, and Wesley Terway
Solvability of a Parabolic Boundary Value Problem with Internal Jump Condition, Kurt M. Bryan and Lester Caudill
Singular solutions to a nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem originating from corrosion modeling, Kurt M. Bryan and Michael Vogelius
Lengths of Geodesics on Klein’s Quartic Curve, Ryan Derby-Talbot
Quest for Tilings on Riemann Surfaces of Genus Six and Seven, Robert Dirks and Maria Sloughter
Cwatset Isomorphism and its Consequences, Carolyn M. Girod, Matthew Lipinski, Joseph R. Mileti, and Jennifer R. Paulhus
Classification of Cwatsets Through Order 23, Ben Goodwin and Dennis Lin
Submissions from 1999
Tilings which Split a Mirror, Jim Belk
Constructing Kaleidscopic Tiling Polygons in the Hyperbolic Plane, Sean A. Broughton
Splitting Tiled Surfaces with Abelian Conformal Tiling Group, Sean A. Broughton
Divisible Tilings in the Hyperbolic Plane, Sean A. Broughton, Dawn M. Haney, Lori T. McKeough, and Brandy M. Smith
Elementary Inversion of the Laplace Transform, Kurt M. Bryan
Automorphic Subsets of the n-dimensional Cube are Translations of Cwatsets, Matthew Lepinski
Submissions from 1998
Stability and Reconstruction for an Inverse Problem for the Heat Equations, Kurt M. Bryan and Lester Caudill
A Messy, but Instructive, Case Study in Design of Experiments, Leroy A. Franklin, Belva J. Cooley, and Gary Elrod
Quadrilaterals Subdivided by Triangles in the Hyperbolic Plane, Dawn M. Haney and Lori T. McKeough
Maximally Disjoint Solutions of the Set Covering Problem, David J. Rader and Peter L. Hammer
Symmetry and Tiling Groups for Genus 4 and 5, C. Ryan Vinroot
Submissions from 1997
Generalized Conjugacy Classes, Pramod N. Achar
The Link between Scrambling Numbers and Derangements, Barry Balof, Eric Farmer, and Jamie Kawabata
Counting Ovals on a Symmetric Riemann Surface, Sean A. Broughton
Oval Intersections in Tilings on Surfaces, Dennis A. Schmidt
Submissions from 1996
A Stronger Triangle Inequality, Herb Bailey
Uniqueness for a Boundary Identification Problem in Thermal Imaging, Kurt M. Bryan and Lester F. Caudill
Effective Behavior of Clusters of Microscopic Cracks Inside a Homogeneous Conductor, Kurt M. Bryan and Michael Vogelius
CWATSETS: Weights, Cardinalities, and Generalizations, Richard Mohr
Divergence Diagrams: More than Cantor Dust Lies at the Edge of Feigenbaum Diagrams, John H. Rickert and Aaron Klebanoff
Submissions from 1995
Population Genetics: Estimation of Distributions through Systems of Non-Linear Differential Equations, Nacer E. Abrouk and Robert J. Lopez
Symmetries of Accola-MacLachlan and Kulkarni Surfaces, Sean A. Broughton, E Bujalance, A F. Costa, J M. Gamboa, and G Gromadzki
An Elementary Proof that Finite Groups Lack Unique Product Structures, Matthew Cushman
Rectangular Groups, Nick Fiala, Crystal Hanscom, Patrick Keenan, and Tung Tran
Conjugacy Classes of Triple Products in Finite Groups, Kevin Hutson and Emily Salvo
A Variable Time-Step Midpoint Scheme for Hamiltonian Systems, Yosi Shibberu
Submissions from 1994
Square Roots of Finite Groups, Kashi Abhyankar and Daniel Grossman
Finite Groups can be Arbitrarily Hamiltonian, Stephen Ahearn and Mark Huber
Counting Order Classes of Triple Products in Finite Groups, Scott Annin and Jennifer Ziebarth
An Inverse Problem in Thermal Language, Kurt M. Bryan and Lester Caudill
Square Roots of Finite Groups - II, Matthew Devos, David McAdams, and Rebecca Rapoport
Robot Space Coordinate Representation of Objects in Euclidean Space, Justin Gallagher
Distinct Products of Triples in Finite Groups, Curtis Z. Mitchell
Submissions from 1993
Approximation Methods for Singular Diffusions Arising in Genetics, Nacer E. Abrouk
Reconstruction of Multiple Cracks from Experimental, Electrostatic Boundary Measurements, Kurt M. Bryan, Valdis Liepa, and Michael Vogelius
When is the Number of p-Subgroups of a Group Satisfying a Property Congruent to 1 (mod p)?, Jason Fulman and Jeff Vanderkam
Hypergraph Representations and Orders of Cwatsets, Julie Kerr
Time-Discretization of Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems, Yosi Shibberu
Bounds on Squares of Two-Sets, Dan Slilaty and Jeff Vanderkam
Tracking Plasma Lactate Concentration in Vivo with a Catheter-Tip L-Lactate Sensor, Brett T. Weinzapfel, Mark D. Ball, Lee R. Waite, Nacer E. Abrouk, and Shun P. Lim
Submissions from 1992
Counting Nilpotent Pairs in Finite Groups: Some Conjectures, H Dubose-Schmidt; Michael D. Galloy; and D,L, Wilson
Counting Nilpotent Pairs, Jason Fulman, Michael Galloy, and Jeffery Vanderkam
Vertex Coloring for Weighted Graphs with Application to Timetabling, Lynn Kiaer and Jay Yellen
Data on Four-Rewriteability in Finite Groups, Sharon A. Kineke
Some Facts About Cycels and Tidy Groups, Kevin O'Bryant, D. Patrick, Lawren Smithline, and Eric Wepsic
Some Upper Bounds for Commutativity and Cyclicity Measures in Finite Groups, David Patrick, Catherine Sugar, and Eric Wepsic
Simultaneous Rational Approximations and Related Diophantine Equations, John Rickert
Rewriteability, Commutators, and Fundamental n-Rewritings, Lawren Smithline
The 2/3 Bound for Rewritable n-tuples, Lawren Smithline and Catherine Sugar
Cubing Ordered 2-sets, Jeffery Vanderkam
Divisibility by |G| for Powers of Ordered k-sets, Jeffery Vanderkam
A4 Rewriteability, Eric Wepsic, Kevin O'Bryant, and Lawren Smithline
Submissions from 1991
Counting Centralizers in Finite Groups, Sarah Marie Belcastro and Gary J. Sherman
An Upper Bound for 3-Rewriteability in Finite Groups, Jordan Ellenberg
Integer Triangles with Rational Medians, Bart Goddard and Dale Mesner
Cyclicizers, Centralizers, and Normalizers, David Patrick and Eric Wepsic
Finite Abelian Groups in which the Probability of an Automorphism Fixing an Element is Large, Gary J. Sherman
Undergraduates, the Right Questions, and Cayley Produce Results, Gary J. Sherman
More Upper Bounds on the 3-Rewriteability of Non-3-Rewriteable Groups, Eric Wepsic
Submissions from 1990
Sets of Typical Subsamples, Joel Atkins and G.J Sherman
Dihedral Rewriteability, Cheryl P. Grood
Characterization of Joint Density by Conditional Densities, A.K. Gupta and T. Varga
Characterization of Matrix Variate Normal Distributions, A.K. Gupta and T. Varga
Fibonacci Sequences in Finite Groups, Steven W. Knox
A Numerical Approach to Rewriteability in Finite Groups, J.L. Leavitt, G.J. Sherman, and M.E. Walker
Rewriteable Sequencings of Groups, Jeanne Nielsen
Maximal Order Three-Rewriteable Subgroups of Symmetric Groups, John T. O'Bryan
How Hamiltonian Can a Finite Group Be?, G.J. Sherman, T.J. Tucker, and M.E. Walker
Some Facts About CWAT-Sets, Martin Wattenburg