Submission Guidelines for Mathematical Sciences Technical Reports (MSTR)
Who Can Submit
The Mathematical Sciences Technical Reports (MSTR) only publishes materials on work conducted by Rose-Hulman faculty or student publications with a Rose-Hulman faculty sponsor. The topics of publication have a must have strong component of the mathematical sciences, or application/computation based on the mathematical sciences. Submissions are not peer reviewed and the authors and faculty mentors are responsible for the correctness of content and quality of exposition. For additional information, please contact the lead editor
How to Submit a Paper
1. Make sure your paper is in an acceptable format. We can only accept papers in Adobe Acrobat (PDF). If you have questions, please contact
2. Write an abstract for your paper. Please limit the abstract to a couple of paragraphs. Note that the abstract dialog box cannot have complex mathematical expressions. Please also select keywords. These are words that will help a user locate your paper through a search.
3. Submit the paper either through the Submit Research web form in the navigation panel, or by emailing it to Include in the email message the following things: abstract; keywords; and name, affiliation (department and university), and email address for each author and mentor.
4. If you have any questions, please contact
Overview of the Process
After you submit your paper, it will be reviewed briefly for suitability, and then published in Acrobat (PDF) form on the site. You will be notified by e-mail when the paper is posted.
How to Revise Your Paper
If you publish this paper or a revised version elsewhere, for example in a journal, please send the citation of the new version to We will be able to inform repository users about the new version.
If you would like to post a revised version of your paper on the site, please follow the instructions in How to Submit a Paper; however, please specify when you submit the paper that it is a revision of a previously submitted paper.