Submissions from 2023
IONiC VIPEr: The Catalyst I Want; The Semiconductor I Need, Stephanie Poland
Submissions from 2022
Spectroscopic identification and characterization of the aluminum methylene (AlCH2) free radical, Fumie X. Sunahori, Tony C. Smith, and Dennis J. Clouthier
Submissions from 2020
The role of metal ion binding in the antioxidant mechanisms of reduced and oxidized glutathione in metal-mediated oxidative DNA damage, Dan Morris, Elias O. Eteshola, Devin A. Haupt, Stephen I. Koos, and Lee A. Siemer
The Electronic Spectrum of the Jet-Cooled Stibino (SbH2) Free Radical, Fumie Sunahori, Tony Smith, and Dennis Clouthier
Chapter 10: Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry: Technetium Agents. In Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Pharmacy and Nuclear Medicine, Ross Weatherman, Kara Weatherman, and Richard Kowalsky
Chapter 11: Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry: Non-technetium Agents. In Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Pharmacy and Nuclear Medicine, Ross Weatherman, Kara Weatherman, and Richard Kowalsky
Chapter 9: Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry: General Topics, Ross Weatherman, Kara Weatherman, and Richard Kowalsky
Submissions from 2019
Investigation of the Microwave-Assisted Claisen-Dieckmann Condensation of Diethyl Succinate, M. Brandt, R. Shubella, and Rebecca B. DeVasher
Investigation of the Microwave-Assisted Claisen-Dieckmann Condensation of Diethyl Succinate, R. B. DeVasher, R. Shubella, and Mark Brandt
Practical Efficiency Limit of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) Solar Cells, Rebecca DeVasher, Ahmer Baloch, M Hossain, and N Tabet
Simple Microwave-Assisted Claisen and Dieckmann Condensation Experiments for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Rebecca DeVasher and J Horta
Addressing the Cognitive and Affective Domain of Ethics Across the Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum, J. Mueller, M. D. Lovell, and M. Robinson
Lab-Scale Treatment Wetlands: A Model for Undergraduate Learning, Marincel Payne
Undergraduate Laboratory Development: Finding Cost-Effective Catalysts for the Coupling of Epoxides and CO2, S. Poland, A. Braaksma, and L. Fenimore
Coupling epoxides and dry ice under mild conditions: Development of an undergraduate laboratory experiment, Stephanie Poland, Z Ni, and J McLemore
Development and Assessment of an Undergraduate Research Community, Irene M. B. Reizman, Michelle K. Marincel Payne, Tony Ribera, and Julia M. Williams
Submissions from 2018
Better Questions: A Learning Opportunity. IDEA Paper #71, Daniel D. Anastasio and Ella L. Ingram
A Quest for Polycarbonates Provided via Sustainable Epoxide/CO2 Copolymerization Processes, Stephanie J. Poland and Donald J. Darensbourg
Submissions from 2017
Copper-Catalyzed Amination of Aryl and Alkenyl Electrophiles, Rebecca B. DeVasher, Engelbert Ciganek, and Kevin H. Shaughnessy
IONiC VIPEr Workshops: Bringing Current Literature into the Classroom, Stephanie Poland, B. Sears, S. Toledo, and A. Johnson
Submissions from 2016
Chemistry 433 Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, Mark Brandt
Short-Stalked Prosthecomicrobium Hirschii Cells Have a Caulobacter-Like Cycle, Michelle Hoffman, M. Williams, J. Daniel, S. Madren, A. Dhroso, D. Korkin, S. Givan, S. Jacobson, and P. Brown
Work in Progress: Eliciting Input for Transforming CSET Education via the NSF Collaborative Largescale Engineering Analysis Network for Environmental Research (CLEANER), James Johnson, E Eschenbach, C Brus, P. Carlson, D Giammar, and B Grauer
The Synthesis and Tribological Performance Phosphonium/Phosphate-Based Ionic Liquids as Friction-Reducing Engine Oil Additives, Michael R. Mueller and Matthew Scott Welmers
From REU to PUI: One Person's Perspective, Stephanie Poland
The Role of Selective Estrogen Receptor Destabilizers (SERDs) in Breast Cancer Therapy, Ross Weatherman
Small Groups, Significant Impact: A Review of Peer-Led Team Learning Research with Implications for STEM Education Researchers and Faculty, Sarah Wilson and P. Varma-Nelson
Submissions from 2015
Timescales and Frequencies of Reversible and Irreversible Adhesion Events of Single Bacterial Cells, Michelle Hoffman, L. Zucker, P. Brown, D. Kysela, Y. Brun, and S. Jacobson
Chemistry and Activity of Selenium Dioxide and Selenite Ions, Daniel Morris
Ring Opening Polymerization of Six Membered Cyclic Carbonates Using Bimetallic Catalysts, Stephanie Poland and W. Schwandt
Submissions from 2014
High Index of Refraction Polycarbonates Synthesized from Triphosgene and Indicators, Bruce Allison and Y. Xue
Synthesis of Biodegradable Polymers, Bruce Allison and Y. Xue
Copper-Catalyzed Amination of Aryl and Alkenyl Electrophiles, Rebecca DeVasher, K. Shaughnessy, and E. Ciganek
DNA-Bound Metal Ions: Recent Developments, Daniel Morris
Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Luanne Tilstra
Modeling the Liquid Crystalline Properties of Type-I Collagen, Luanne Tilstra and A. Thomas
Submissions from 2013
Higher Education for Sustainability: Cases, Challenges, and Opportunities from across the Curriculum, Rebecca B. DeVasher
Sustainability and Professional Identity in Engineering Education, Rebecca DeVasher, M. Minster, P. Brackin, E. Hayes, R. House, and C. Taylor
Evaluating the Role of the Cation in the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Mechanism, Rebecca DeVasher and M. Welmers
Fundamentals of Protein Structure Alignment, A. Holder, M. Brandt, and Y. Shibberu
Sustainability and Professional Identity in Engineering Education, Richard A. House, Mark Minster, Rebecca DeVasher, P. Brackin, E. Z. Hayes, and C. Taylor
The Abilities of Selenium Dioxide and Selenite Ion to Coordinate DNA-Bound Metal Ions and Decrease Oxidative DNA Damage, Daniel Morris, W. Hart, S. Marczak, A. Kneller, and R. French
AC Faraday Rotation of Aqueous Iron(III) Chloride, Daniel Morris, J. Moore, and D. Morris
Catalytic Coupling of Cyclopentene Oxide and CO2 Utilizing Bifunctional (salen)Co(III) and (salen)Cr(III) Catalysts: Comparative Processes Involving Binary (salen)Cr(III) Analogs, Stephanie Poland, D. Darensbourg, W. Chung, and S. Wilson
Oxygen/Sulfur Scrambling During the Copolymerization of Cyclopentene Oxide and Carbon Disulfide: Selectivity for Copolymer vs Cyclic [Thio]carbonates, Stephanie Poland, D. Darensbourg, and A. Yeung
Characterization of a Novel Fluorescent Antiestrogen, Ross Weatherman, K. Moravec, B. Peterson, K. Shearer, K. Nephew, and J. Pilrose
Submissions from 2012
Contact Geometry of Estrogen Receptor Dynamics, Mark E. Brandt, Y. Shibberu, and M. Syed
Fundamentals of Protein Structure Alignment, Mark Brandt, A. Holder, and Y. Shibberu
Integrating Sustainability Principles in Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum: A Home for Environmentally Responsible Engineering, Rebecca DeVasher, C. Taylor, R. House, P. Brackin, M. DeVasher, R. DeVasher, M. Minster, and K. Toohey
Computational Study of Cesium Effect in Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions, Rebecca DeVasher and M. Welmers
Chemistry for Dummies II, 1st Edition, Michael Mueller and J.T. Moore
Tamoxifen Promotes Superoxide Production in Platelets by Activation of PI3-Kinase and NADPH Oxidase Pathways, Ross Weatherman, V. Shah, H. Chegini, S. Vishneki, P. Blackmore, and Y. Dobrydneva
Dissecting Rapid Estrogen Signaling with Conjugates, Ross Weatherman, K. Shearer, E. Rickert, and A. Peterson
Submissions from 2011
Experimental Methods and Techniques in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Bruce Allison, M. Brandt, R. DeVasher, and D. Lewis
Experimental Methods and Techniques in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Mark E. Brandt, A. Bruce, R. DeVasher, and D. Lewis
Institutionalized: Organizational Obstacles to Communicating Sustainability, Rebecca DeVasher, P. Brackin, M. DeVasher, R. House, R. Layton, J. Mueller Price, C. Taylor, and K. Toohey
Experimental Methods and Techniques in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Rebecca DeVasher, A. Bruce, M.E. Brandt, and D. Lewis
Study of Laser Excitation of Ethanol and Isopropanol via Flame Front Variation, Rebecca DeVasher, A. White, S. Sakai, and A. Standard
Chemistry for Dummies, 2nd Edition, Michael Mueller and J.T. Moore
Submissions from 2010
Measuring Student Awareness and Attitudes of Green Organic Chemistry, Bruce Allison, M. Brandt, R.B. DeVasher, and C. Nicholson
Measuring Student Awareness and Attitudes of Green Organic Chemistry, Mark E. Brandt, M. Brandt, R.B. DeVasher, and C. Nicholson
Intrinsic Contact Geometry of Protein Dynamics, Mark Brandt, Y. Shibberu, and D. Cooper
Measuring Student Awareness and Attitudes of Green Organic Chemistry, Rebecca DeVasher, M. Brandt, B. Allison, and C. Nicholson
Investigation of a Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engine, Rebecca DeVasher, A. White, K. Wilson, R. Cobb, and S. Sakai
Direct and Collisional Excitation of Automotive Fuel Components, Rebecca DeVasher, A. White, K. Wilson, and S. Sakai
Study of Direct and Collisional Excitation of Automotive Fuel, Rebecca DeVasher, A. White, K. Wilson, S. Sakai, and R.D. Cobb
Trap Grease Based Biodiesel, Michael Mueller and O. Fathi
From Waste to Wall, Turning Filter Cake into Drywall, Michael Mueller and J. Zaiss
Book Review of Molecular Physical Chemistry for Engineers, Luanne Tilstra
Cancer Drug Discovery and Development-Hormone Therapy in Breast and Prostate Cancer. Edited by V. Craig Jordan and Barrington JA Furr., Ross Weatherman
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorescent 4-Hydroxytamoxifen Conjugates with Unique Antiestrogenic Properties, Ross Weatherman, E. Rickert, S. Oriana, C. Hartman-Frey, X. Long, T. Webb, and K. Nephew
Submissions from 2009
Techniques and Strategies in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Bruce Allison, D. Lewis, M. Brandt, and R. DeVasher
Techniques and Strategies in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Mark Brandt, D. Lewis, B. Allison, and R. DeVasher
Techniques and Strategies in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Rebecca DeVasher, D. Lewis, B. Allison, and M. Brandt
Toward the Reduction of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Modern Combustion Engines Using Direct Fuel Excitation, Rebecca DeVasher and A. White
Collisional Excitation of Automotive Fuel Components (Ethanol and Isooctane), Rebecca DeVasher, A White, and R. Cobb
The Horrors of Sugar in the Gas Tank, Michael Mueller
Biodiesel Formation from Waste Products, Michael Mueller and E. Malola
Submissions from 2008
Synthesis, Testing, Product Development and Commercialization of High Refractive Index, High Impact, High Clarity, High Temperature Polymers for Use in Lenses, Optical Fibers, Fiber Cladding, Optical Discs, Prisms, and Other Optical Devices, Bruce Allison and M. Montalbo
Synthesis of High Refractive Index Polycarbonates, Bruce Allison and S. Prorak
Progress Toward the Synthesis of Sattabacin, Bruce Allison and L. Rupp
Learning About Structure Using Spartan Computation Software, Mark E. Brandt and R.B. DeVasher
Effects of Alcohols and Ligands on Estrogen Receptor Dimer Exchange, Mark Brandt and M. Mumaw
Green Chemistry at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology: A Small Step Toward a Large Goal, Rebecca DeVasher, J. Barlan, A. Isom, C. Latta, R. Poland, and E. Smith
Learning About Structure Using Spartan Computation Software, Rebecca DeVasher and M Brandt
Developing Institute Wide Student Learning Outcomes, Rebecca DeVasher, T. Chow, S. Sexton, and J. Williams
Navigating the Process of Student Learning Outcomes: Development, Evaluation, and Improvement, Rebecca DeVasher, T. Chow, S. Sexton, and J. Williams
Communicating Sustainability: Sustainability and Communication in the Engineering, Science, and Technical Communication Classrooms, Rebecca DeVasher, C. Taylor, J. Anderson, S. Chenoweth, R. House, J. Livingston, M. Minster, A. Watt, and J. Williams
A Method for Familiarizing Students with Chemical Literature, Rebecca DeVasher and L. Tilstra
Direct Excitation of Fuel Components via Absorption of Laser Radiation, Rebecca DeVasher, A. White, and R. Cobb
Probing Metal Ion Binding Sites on DNA Using Sparfloxacin, Daniel Morris and A. Gehring
Targeting Report Expectations to Develop Presentation, Analysis, and Evaluation Skills in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum, Daniel Morris, L. Tilstra, and P.L. Miller
Vegetable Oil with Ester Base as a Two-Cycle SI Engine Lubricant, Michael Mueller, B. Collins, M. Colchin, P. Cunningham, M. Fulk, D.G. Hale, K. Lawyer, C. Whitaker, and J. Wilson
A Method for Familiarizing Students with Chemical Literature, Luanne Tilstra and R.B. DeVasher
Targeting Report Expectations to Develop Presentation, Analysis, and Evaluation Skills in the Analytical Chemistry Curriculum, Luanne Tilstra, D. Morris, and P.L. Miller
Submissions from 2007
Novel Method for Analyzing Spectroscopic Ligand Binding Data, Mark Brandt and A. Georgas
Modulation of Estrogen Receptor Ligand-Binding Domain Dimer Exchange by Small Mono-Functional Alcohols, Mark Brandt, R. Waltz, and D. Knapp
Assessing the Impact of Pen-Based PCs and Collaboration-Facilitating Software in the Classroom, Rebecca DeVasher, A. Chidanandan, P Ferro, D. Fisher, S. Kirtley, L. Merkle, D. Mutchler, S. Sexton, M. Simoni, and J. Williams
Evaluating the Symbiosis of DyKnow Software and Pen-Based Computing in the Rose-Hulman Classroom, Rebecca DeVasher, A. Chidanandan, P. Ferro, D. Fisher, L. Merkle, S. Mitra-Kirtley, D. Mutchler, Shannon Sexton, M. Simoni, A. Watt, and J. Willams
Application of Amberlyst-A-26 (OH) Ion Exchange Resin to Aqueous-Phase, Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions, Rebecca DeVasher and A. Isom