This series is not peer reviewed. The authors (with guidance from mentors) are responsible for the correctness of results and exposition of the papers.
Submissions from 2024
Graph and Group Theoretic Properties of the SOMA Cube and SOMAP, Kyle Asbury and Ben Glancy
Counting Hamming-Graceful Labelings of Paths, Ashka Dalal
Submissions from 2023
Applying Hallgren’s algorithm for solving Pell’s equation to finding the irrational slope of the launch of a billiard ball, Sangheon Choi
Reversibility of Stranded Cellular Automata, Allyn Loyd
Human and Technical Factors in the Adoption of Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms, Alyssa Pinkston
Submissions from 2022
Analysis of a Quantum Attack on the Blum-Micali Pseudorandom Number Generator, Tingfei Feng
Structure of Number Theoretic Graphs, Lee Trent
The Primitive Root Problem: a Problem in BQP, Shixin Wu
Submissions from 2021
Probability Distributions for Elliptic Curves in the CGL Hash Function, Dhruv Bhatia, Kara Fagerstrom, and Max Watson
Computer Program Simulation of a Quantum Turing Machine with Circuit Model, Shixin Wu
Submissions from 2020
Topological and H^q Equivalence of Cyclic n-gonal Actions on Riemann Surfaces - Part II, Sean A. Broughton
Modeling Braids with Space-Varying and Time-Varying Stranded Cellular Automata, Brian Chan
The Game of Life on the Hyperbolic Plane, Yuncong Gu
Submissions from 2019
Forward Selection via Distance Correlation, Ty Adams
Effects of Framing in Exams on Student Performance, Mariana Lane and Eric Reyes
Repeat Length Of Patterns On Weaving Products, Zhuochen Liu
Periodicity and Invertibility of Lattice Gas Cellular Automata, Jiawen Wang
Submissions from 2018
Branching matrices for the automorphism group lattice of a Riemann surface, Sean A. Broughton
Stranded Cellular Automaton and Weaving Products, Hao Yang
Submissions from 2017
Algorithmic Factorization of Polynomials over Number Fields, Christian Schulz
Submissions from 2016
Topological and Hq Equivalence of Prime Cyclic p-gonal Actions on Riemann Surfaces (Corrected), Sean A. Broughton
Counting fixed points and two-cycles of the singular map x ↦ x^(x^n), Joshua Holden, Pamela A. Richardson, and Margaret M. Robinson
Mathematical Modeling of Quadcopter Dynamics, Qikai Huang (Bruce Wingo)
Counting Solutions to Discrete Non-Algebraic Equations Modulo Prime Powers, Abigail Mann
Variance of Clusterings on Graphs, Thomas Vlado Mulc
Statistical Analysis of Binary Functional Graphs of the Discrete Logarithm, Mitchell Orzech
Inverse Laplace Transform and Post Inversion Formula, Qinmao Zhang
Submissions from 2015
Quasi-platonic PSL2(q)-actions on closed Riemann surfaces, Sean A. Broughton
Spontaneous synchrony on graphs and the emergence of order from disorder, Dylan Linville and Daniel Trugillo Martins Fontes
Study of Extinction Time, Yilin Wang
Submissions from 2014
Calculation of the Killing Form of a Simple Lie Group, Sean A. Broughton
Continuous Dependence of Solutions of Equations on Parameters, Sean A. Broughton
Analytical Solution of the Symmetric Circulant Tridiagonal Linear System, Sean A. Broughton and Jeffery J. Leader
Statistics for fixed points of the self-power map, Joshua Holden and Matthew Friedrichsen
Deconstructing the Welch Equation using p-adic Methods, Abigail Mann and Adelyn Yeoh
Submissions from 2013
A Numerical Analysis of PSM with Applications to DDEs, Dustin Lehmkuhl
Submissions from 2012
Thermal Detection of Inaccessible Corrosion, Matthew Charnley and Andrew Rzeznik
Robust Analysis of Metabolic Pathways, Emily Gruber, Amy Ko, Michael MacGillvray, and Miranda Sawyer
Fundamentals of Protein Structure Alignment, Allen Holder, Mark Brandt, and Yosi Shibberu
Determining Properties of Metal by Analyzing Changes in Impedance, Chase Mathison and Laura Booton
Submissions from 2011
Nondestructive Electrothermal Detection of Corrosion, Brittany Ambeau, Harris Enniss, and Stefan Schnake
Structure and Randomness of the Discrete Lambert Map, JingJing Chen and Mark Lotts
Algebraic Solutions to Overdefined Systems with Applications to Cryptanalysis, Eric Crockett
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm and Functional Graphs, Christopher J. Evans
Cloaking Against Thermal Imaging, Maple So
The Square Discrete Exponentiation Map, A Wood
Submissions from 2010
Discrete Logarithms on Elliptic Curves, Aaron Blumenfeld
Bilinear Programming and Protein Structure Alignment, J. Cain, D. Kamenetsky, and N. Lavine
Structure and Statistics of the Self-Power Map, Matthew Friedrichsen, Brian Larson, and Emily McDowell
Computational Biology, Harvey Greenberg and Allen Holder
G-lattices for an Unrooted Perfect Phylogeny, Monica Grigg
Parametric LP Analysis, Allen Holder
A Spectral Approach to Protein Structure Alignment, Yosi Shibberu and Allen Holder
Intrinsic Contact Geometry of Protein Dynamics, Yosi Shibberu, Allen Holder, and David Cooper
Fast Protein Structure Alignment, Yosi Shibberu, Allen Holder, and Kyla Lutz
Submissions from 2009
Anti-Cloaking: The Mathematics of Disguise, Theresa C. Anderson and Brooke E. Phillips
Flattening a Cone, Sean A. Broughton
Operations Research Methods for Optimization in Radiation Oncology, M Ehrgott and Allen Holder
The Digraph of the Square Mapping on Elliptic Curves, Katrina Glaeser
Electrical Impedance Imaging of Corrosion on a Partially Accessible 2-Dimensional Region, Court Hoang and Katherine Osenbach
Statistical Investigation of Structure in the Discrete Logarithm, Andrew Hoffman
A Decomposition of the Pure Parsimony Problem, Allen Holder and Thomas M. Langley
Structural Properties of Power Digraphs Modulo n, Joseph Kramer-Miller
A clustering approach for optimizing beam angles in IMRT planning, Gino J. Lim, Allen Holder, and Josh Reese
Solving the p-Median Problem with Insights from Discrete Vector Quantization, Gino J. Lim, Allen Holder, and Josh Reese
Discrete Logarithm over Composite Moduli, Marcus L. Mace
Submissions from 2008
Radiotherapy Optimal Design: An Academic Radiotherapy Treatment Design System, R Acosta, W Brick, A Hanna, Allen Holder, D Lara, G McQuillen, D Nevin, P Uhlig, and B Salter
Determining the Shape of a Resistor Grid, Esther Chiew and Vincent Selhorst-Jones
Optimization in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Allen Holder
Electrothermal Imaging in One and Two Dimensions, Michael Janus and David Kibbling
A Statistical Look at Maps of the Discrete Logarithm, Nathan Lindle
Do the Coefficients of a Modular Form Really "Encode Arithmetic Data"?, Ken McMurdy and Hari Ravindran
Submissions from 2007
The Barycenter of the Numerical Range of a Matrix, Sean A. Broughton, Roger G. Lautzenheiser, and Thomas Werne
The Discrete Logarithm Problem and Ternary Functional Graphs, Max F. Brugger and Christina A. Frederick
Isomorphisms of Elliptic Curves over Extensions of Finite Fields, Mathew Niemerg
Utilizing Thermal Testing for Recovering, James Preciado and Thomas Werne
Submissions from 2006
Thermal Imaging to Recover a Defect in Three Dimensional Objects, Breanne Baker
Non-Destructive Recovery of Voids within a Three Dimensional Domain Using Thermal Imaging, Victor B. Oyeyemi
Submissions from 2005
On the Action of Weight-Preserving Sets, Matthew Badger
Foundations of Generalized Cwatsets, Jesse Beder
Time-Dependent Thermal Imaging of Circular Inclusions, Donald L. Brouwn and Mark Hubenthal
Mapping the Discrete Logarithm, Daniel R. Cloutier
Big Cwatsets and Hamming Code, Matthew Davis, Thomas M. Langley, and Norah Mazel
Thermal Imaging of Circular Inclusions within a Two-Dimensional Region, Shannon Talbott and Hilary Spring
Submissions from 2004
The Birational Isomorphism Types of Smooth Real Elliptic Curves, Sean A. Broughton
Reconstruction of an Unknown Boundary Portion From Cauchy Data in N-dimensions, Kurt M. Bryan and Lester Caudill
Non-Destructive Testing of Thermal Resistances for a Single Inclusion in a 2-Dimensional Domain, Nicholas Christian and Mathew A. Johnson
Reconstruction of Partially Conductive Cracks using Boundary Data, David McCune and Janine Haugh
Determining the Length of a One-Dimensional Bar, Natalya Yarlikina and Holly Walrath
Submissions from 2003
When Abelian Groups Split, Rachel M. Thomas and Robert C. Rhoades
Submissions from 2002
A Review of Selected Works on Crack Indentification, Kurt M. Bryan
Congruences of Restricted Partition Functions, Matthew Culek and Amanda Knecht
Characterizing a Defect in a One-Dimensional Bar, Cynthia Gangi and Sameer Shah
Tilings of Low-Genus Surfaces by Quadrilaterals, John Gregoire and Isabel Averil
Fixed Point and Two-cycles of the Discrete Logarithm, Joshua Holden
Pigeon-Holing Monodromy Groups, Niles G. Johnson
Hyperbolic Billiard Paths, Rebecca Lehman and Chad White
The order at 2 of the odd-partition function, Chris Mehelich
Reconstruction of Cracks with Unknown Transmission Condition from Boundary Data, F Ronald Ogborne III and Melissa E. Vellela