Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Research Publications


Jonathan Lee

Document Type


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First Advisor

Irene Reizman


Microbial biosensors are useful in detecting suboptimal conditions in a bioreactor. This detection can help in development of improved mixing methods to reduce the occurrence of these conditions. In this research, the activities of 3 promoters known to have activity under anaerobic conditions, the gadB promoter, an FNR protein activated promoter, and the pfl promoter, were tested for activity under anaerobic conditions by connecting them to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. Using two types of media, Luria-Bertani (LB) and Wilms-Reuss media, the activity of these promoters under aerobic and anaerobic conditions were tested. Results indicate that while the FNR activated promoter and the pfl promoter show weak performance as an indicator of anaerobic conditions, the gadB promoter exhibited a twofold increase in GFP expression under anaerobic conditions as opposed to anaerobic conditions.


RHURP 16-08
