Submissions from 2013
Research, Education, and Outreach at the Oakley Observatories, Richard Ditteon
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Observatories: 2012 May - June, Richard Ditteon, P. Moravec, and A. Letfullin
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2012 August - October, Richard Ditteon, G. Simpson, E. Chong Loo, M. Gerhardt, S. Gorsky, M. Klaasse, B. Kodalen, F. Li, L. Mader, R. Moore, and R. Vinson
Radial Shear Interferometer with Holographic Lenses Coupled with a Spatial Fourier Transform Method Suitable for Static and Dynamic Measurements, Charles Joenathan, Ashley Bernal, Giancarlo Pedrini, and Wolfgang Osten
Spatially Multiplexed X-Y Lateral Shear Interferometer with Varying Shears Using Holographic Lens and Spatial Fourier Transform, Charles Joenathan, A. Bernal, and R. Sirohi
Lateral Shear Interferometer Using Multiplexed Holographic Lenses and Spatial Fourier Transform: Varying Spectrum Position and Phase Fluctuations, Charles Joenathan, C. Bernal, and R. Sirohi
White Light Lateral Shear Interferometer with Holographic Shear Lenses and Spatial Fourier Transform, Charles Joenathan, Y. Li, W. Oh, R. Bunch, A. Bernal, and S. Kirkpatrick
Border-Crossing with Competition Then Collaboration in a Challenge-Driven Design and Communication Experience for Engineering and Science Students, Scott Kirkpatrick, A. Bernal, and A. Watt
White Light Lateral Shear Interferometer with Holographic Shear Lenses and Spatial Fourier Transform, Scott Kirkpatrick, Y. Li, W. Oh, R. Bunch, A. Bernal, and S. Kirkpatrick
76% Efficient Cryogenically-Cooled Eyesafe Diode Laser for Resonant Pumping of Er-doped Gain Media, Paul Leisher, Z Chen, W Dong, X Guan, S Elim, and S Zhang
A Discrete Transmission-Matrix Method for Modeling the Distributed Feedback Arising from Continuously Varying Refractive Index Profiles, Paul Leisher, D. Heeger, E. Hale, and R. Bunch
In-Phase Antiguided Bottom-Emitting Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays, Paul Leisher, M. Johnson, D. Siriani, and K. Choquette
RF Activation of Nanoparticles for Selective Nanotherapy of Cancer, Renat Letfullin, A. Letfullin, and T. George
Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Nanomedicine: with 685 figures and 64 tables, Renat R. Letfullin and T. F. George
Nanoparticle-Enhanced X-Ray Therapy of Cancer, Renat Letfullin, C. Rice, T. George, and K. Murzagulova
Highly Luminescent ZnO Quantum Dots Made in a Non-Thermal Plasma, Richard Liptak, P. Felbier, J. Yang, J. Theis, A. Wagner, A. Lorke, G. Bacher, and U. Kortshagen
Sulfur Chemistry of Asphaltenes from a Highly Compositionally Graded Column, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, D.J. Seifert, K.D. Bake, P.R. Craddock, O.C. Mullins, B.G. Kodalen, A.E Pomerantz, and T.B Bolin
Engineering Pulsed Magnetic Fields: Designing and Building a Pulsed Magnetic Field Circuit for a Faraday Rotation Experimental Setup, Maarij Syed, T. Foulkes, and M. Herniter
Magnetic Response of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Measured by AC Faraday Rotation, Maarij Syed and J. Moore
AC Faraday Rotation of Aqueous Iron(III) Chloride, Maarij Syed, J. Moore, and D. Morris
Spin-On Functional Nanoparticle Coatings for Antireflection and Sensing Applications, Maarji Syed, A. Nolte, and M. Artmayer
Submissions from 2012
One-Step Index-Tunable Antireflection Coatings from Aggregated Silica Nanoparticles, Robert Bunch, K. Cook, K. Tettey, D. Lee, and A. Nolte
Modules to Enhance Smart Lighting Education, Robert Bunch, C. Joenathan, K. Connor, and M. Chouikha
A Portable Fiberoptic Ratiometric Fluorescence Analyzer Provides Rapid Point-Of-Care Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Large Animals., Robert Bunch, E. Wang, D. Meier, R. Sandoval, V. Von Hendy-Willson, B. Pressler, M. Alloosh, M. Sturek, and G. Schwartz
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2011 July - September, Richard Ditteon, J. Folberth, S. Casimir, Y. Dou, D. Evans, T. Foulkes, M. Haenftling, P.R Kuhn, and A. White
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2011 November - December, Richard Ditteon, E. Melton, S. Carver, A. Harris, R. Karnemaat, and M. Klaasse
Photonic Analog-to-Digital Converter via Asynchronous Oversampling, Sergio Granieri, S. Carver, E. Reeves, and A. Siahmakoun
Asynchronous Photonic A/D converter, Sergio Granieri, S Carver, and Azad Siahmakoun
Coupled SOA-BJT in Series for Photonic Switching, Sergio Granieri, B. Zhang, and A. Siahmakoun
Modules to Enhance Smart Lighting Education, Charles Joenathan, R. Bunch, K. Connor, and M. Chouikha
Novel and Simple Lateral Shear Interferometer with Holographic Lens and Spatial Fourier Transform, Charles Joenathan, G. Pedrini, I. Alekseenko, and W. Osten
Photoelectrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Colloidal Nano-Particles of Mixed TiO2/ V2O5 Metal- Oxide Semiconductors, Elaine Kirkpatrick, K. Kasem, A. Finley, J. Folberth, and M. Syed
High Efficiency kW-Class Semiconductor Lasers with Passive Cooling, Paul Leisher, J. Bai, Z. Chen, L. Bao, M. DeFranza, M. Grimshaw, M. DeVito, R. Martinsen, M. Kanskar, and J. Haden
High Performance Diode Lasers Emitting at 780-820 nm, Paul Leisher, L. Bao, M. DeVito, M. Grimshaw, H. Zhou, W. Dong, X. Guan, S. Zhang, R. Martinsen, and J. Haden
Correction of a Liquid Lens for 3D Imaging Systems, Paul Leisher, A. Bower, R. Bunch, W. Li, and L. Christopher
Performance Limitation and Mitigation of Longitudinal Spatial Hole Burning in High-Power Diode Lasers, Paul Leisher, Z. Chen, L. Bao, J. Bai, M. Grimshaw, R. Martinsen, M. DeVito, and J. Haden
Single Mode Photonic Crystal Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers, Paul Leisher, K. Choquette, D. Siriani, A. Kasten, M. Tan, J. Sulkin, J. Raftery Jr., and A. Danner
Theoretical physics and nonlinear optics : theories and models, Renat R. Letfullin, T. F. George, and G. Zhang
Asynchronous Photonic A/D converter, Azad Siahmakoun, S Carver, and Sergio Granieri
Photonic Analog-to-Digital Converter via Asynchronous Oversampling, Azad Siahmakoun, S. Carver, E. Reeves, and S. Granieri
Coupled SOA-BJT in Series for Photonic Switching, Azad Siahmakoun, B. Zhang, and Sergio Granieri
Photoelectrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Colloidal Nano-Particles of Mixed TiO2/ V2O5 Metal- Oxide Semiconductors, Maarij Syed, K. Kasem, A. Finley, J. Folberth, and E. Kirkpatrick
Submissions from 2011
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Observatory: 2010 September thru October, Richard Ditteon, Z. Pligge, and B. Hall
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory 2011 January thru April, Richard Ditteon and J. West
Optics for Dummies, Galen C. Duree
Optically Coupled Cavities for Wavelength Switching, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, and Azad Siahmakoun
Optical Leaky Integrator with Inverted and Noninverted Accumulation, Sergio Granieri, P. Costanzo-Caso, and A. Siahmakoun
Hybrid Optoelectronic Device with Multiple Bistable Outputs, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costazo-Caso, Y. Jin, M. Gelh, and Azad Siahmakoun
Erbium Doped Fiber Ring Laser for Optical Wavelength Conversion, Sergio Granieri, Y. Tang, A. Siahmakoun, B. Vlahovic, and C. Cheng
Wideband Fiber Optic Vector Modulator Using 8-Tap All-Optical Hilbert Transform, Sergio Granieri, R. Tucker, and Azad Siahamakoun
Modeling Nanophotothermal Therapy: Kinetics of Thermal Ablation of Healthy and Cancerous Cell Organelles and Gold Nanoparticles, Renat Letfullin; C, Iversen; and T. George
Modeling of Ag Incorporated Sb2(SxSe1-x)3 Bi-Layer Devices: Enhanced Bi-Layer Absorber Configuration, Renat Letfullin; C, Iversen; and T. George
Application of Plasmonic Nanomaterials in Nanomedicine, Renat Letfullin and B. Murphy
Computational studies of new materials II : from ultrafast processes and nanostructures to optoelectronics, energy storage and nanomedicine, 2nd Ed., Renat R. Letfullin and T. F. George
Bulk metallic glasses, Renat R. Letfullin, T. F. George, and G. Zhang
Perspectives in Theoretical Physics, Renat R. Letfullin, T. F. George, and G. Zhang
Modeling Photothermal Heating and Ablation of Biological Hard Tissues by Short and Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Renat Letfullin, C. Rice, and T. George
Space Simulations of Thermal Fields Generated in Bone Tissue for Application to Nanophotohyperthermia and Nanophotothermolysis, Renat Letfullin, C. Rice, and T. George
Theoretical Study of Bone Cancer Therapy by Plasmonic Nanoparticles, Renat Letfullin, C. Rice, and T. George
Utilizing Pen-Based Wireless Devices in Physics Classrooms, Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, R. Mitra, and M. Syed
Optically Coupled Cavities for Wavelength Switching, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, and Sergio Granieri
Optical Leaky Integrator with Inverted and Noninverted Accumulation, Azad Siahmakoun, P. Costanzo-Caso, and S. Granieri
Hybrid Optoelectronic Device with Multiple Bistable Outputs, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costazo-Caso, Y. Jin, M. Gelh, and Sergio Granieri
Contrast Reversal on Surface Plasmon Resonance Reflectivity in Nickel and Nickel Alloy Films, Azad Siahmakoun, A. Hovarth, M. Roddy, and Maarij Syed
Asynchronous Fiber-Optic Delta-Sigma Modulator, Azad Siahmakoun, E Reeves, and P Costanzo-Caso
Erbium Doped Fiber Ring Laser for Optical Wavelength Conversion, Azad Siahmakoun, Y. Tang, S. Granieri, B. Vlahovic, and C. Cheng
Wideband Fiber Optic Vector Modulator Using 8-Tap All-Optical Hilbert Transform, Azad Siahmakoun, R. Tucker, and Sergio Granieri
Contrast Reversal on Surface Plasmon Resonance Reflectivity in Nickel and Nickel Alloy Films, Maarij Syed, A. Hovarth, M. Roddy, and Azad Siahmakoun
Ion Beam Irradiation Studies of Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (UNCD), Maarij Syed, A. Kayani, E. Garratt, S. AlFaify, A. Dissanayake, G. Tecos, and D. Mancini
Iterative and Inverse Design of a Segmented Reflector for Uniform Illumination on the Road, Maarij Syed, A. Kayani, E. Garratt, S. AlFaify, A. Dissanayake, G. Tecos, and D. Mancini
Utilizing Pen-Based Wireless Devices in Physics Classrooms, Maarij Syed, R. Mitra, and S. Mitra-Kirtley
Work in Progress - Merging Science Inquiry and Engineering Design: A Summer Workshop Series for Middle and High School Science Teachers, Maarij Syed, R. Rogge, P. Hylton, M. Robinson, D. Walter, J. Shearer, and P. Carlson
Investigation of Skin Effect in Mercury Using a Simple Solenoid Setup, Maarij Syed and J Wagner
Investigation of Skin Effect in Mercury Using a Simple Solenoid Setup, Jerome Wagner and M. Syed
Submissions from 2010
Rethinking Optical Engineering Capstone Design Experience, Robert Bunch, R. Lepkowicz, and S. Granieri
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2009 October Thru 2010 April, Richard Ditteon, K. Albers, K. Kragh, A. Monnier, Z. Pligge, K. Stolze, J. West, and A. Yim
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2010 May, Richard Ditteon, Z. Pligge, A. Monnier, J. Pharo, K. Stolze, and A. Yim
Rethinking Optical Engineering Capstone Design Experience, Sergio Granieri, R. Bunch, and R. Lepkowicz
Optical Bistable Switching with Symmetrically Configured SOAs in Reverse Bias, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Azad Siahmakoun
Optical Switching with Two Symmetrically Coupled SOAs, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Azad Siahmakoun
Symmetrically-Coupled SOAs Exhibit Optical Bistability, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Azad Siahmakoun
Optical Bistability in Electrically Coupled SOA-BJT Devices, Sergio Granieri, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, Y. Jin, M. Gehl, and Azad Siahmakoun
Optical Bistability in a Nonlinear SOA-Based Fiber Ring Resonator, Sergio Granieri, P. Costanzo-Caso, Y. Jin, and A. Siahmakoun
All-Optic Wavelength Conversion and Pulse Reshaping with Two FP Coupled Cavities, Sergio Granieri, P Custanzo-Caso, and Azad Siahmakoun
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2009 April and May, Elaine Kirkpatrick and R. Ditteon
Optical Bistable Switching with Symmetrically Configured SOAs in Reverse Bias, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Sergio Granieri
Optical Switching with Two Symmetrically Coupled SOAs, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Sergio Granieri
Symmetrically-Coupled SOAs Exhibit Optical Bistability, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, M. Gehl, and Sergio Granieri
Optical Bistability in Electrically Coupled SOA-BJT Devices, Azad Siahmakoun, P.A. Costanzo-Caso, Y. Jin, M. Gehl, and Sergio Granieri
Optical Bistability in a Nonlinear SOA-Based Fiber Ring Resonator, Azad Siahmakoun, P. Costanzo-Caso, Y. Jin, and S. Granieri
All-Optic Wavelength Conversion and Pulse Reshaping with Two FP Coupled Cavities, Azad Siahmakoun, P Custanzo-Caso, and Sergio Granieri
Fiber-Optic Asynchronous Delta-Sigma Modulator,, Azad Siahmakoun, E. Reeves, Y. Jin, and P. Costanzo-Caso
Submissions from 2009
Layered Polymeric Optical Systems Using Continuous Coextrusion, Robert Bunch, H. Song, K. Singer, Y. Wu, J. Zhou, J. Lott, J. Andrews, A. Hiltner, E. Baer, C. Weder, and G. Beadie
2‐Gb/s All‐Optical Serial Digital‐to‐Analog Converter, Sergio Granieri, M. Gehl, C. Dapkus, and A. Siahmakoun
Recent Research Developments in Physical Chemistry, Renat R. Letfullin and SG. Pandalai
Incident Angle-Independent Reflection from Metamaterial Film, Azad Siahmakoun, M. Fiedeldey, M. Fuson, M. Roddy, J. Turpen, E. Wandel, C. Holloway, and E. Wheeler
Photonic Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Azad Siahmakoun, M. Gehl, and C. Dapkus
2‐Gb/s All‐Optical Serial Digital‐to‐Analog Converter, Azad Siahmakoun, M. Gehl, C. Dapkus, and S. Granieri
Submissions from 2008
Beam Shaping System Based on Polymer Spherical Gradient Refractive Index Lenses, Robert Bunch, R. Zahreddine, and R. Lepkowicz
2 Gb/s All-optical D/A Converter, Sergio Granieri, M Gehl, C Dapkus, and Azad Siamakoun