Submissions from 2023
Review of Hungry for Revolution, Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2022
A Day--and 150 Years--in the Nordmarka, Samuel Martland
Inter-Collegiate Capstone Project Collaboration: A Case-Study, James Mayhew, Michelle Clauss, Vern Ulrich, and Shraddha Sangelkar
Submissions from 2020
City on Fire: Technology, Social Change, and the Hazards of Progress in Mexico City, S. J. Martland
Submissions from 2017
Fire and Faith: The Coverage of a Disaster in Chile Revealed Religious Divisions Among the World's Press., Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2014
El Gran Incendio de ValparaIso, Samuel Martland
Standardizing the State While Integrating the Frontier: The Chilean Telegraph System in the Araucani-a, 1870-1900, Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2012
Taming Fire in Valparaiso, Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2009
Social and Political Fault Lines: The Valparaiso Earthquake of 1906, Samuel Martland
Social and Political Fault Lines: The Valparaiso Earthquake of 1906, Samuel J. Martland
The Czech Reader: History, Culture, Politics, Samuel J. Martland
Submissions from 2008
Trade, Progress, and Patriotism: Defining Valparaiso, Chile, 1818-1875, Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2007
Reconstructing the City, Constructing the State: Government in Valparaiso After the Earthquake of 1906, Samuel Martland
Submissions from 2004
The World Wide Web at 10, The Dream and the Reality, William B. Pickett, R. Cailliau, Jean-Francois Abramatic, Lee Rainie, Charles R. Nesson, T. H. Nelson, P. F. Kunz, C. Doctorow, L. Pouzin, and Mark A. Ardis
Submissions from 2000
Eisenhower Decides to Run: Presidential Politics and Cold War Strategy, William B. Pickett
Submissions from 1999
To Be The Best: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 1974-1999, William B. Pickett
Submissions from 1995
Dwight David Eisenhower and American Power, William B. Pickett
Submissions from 1990
Homer E. Capehart: A Senator Life, 1897-1979, William B. Pickett
Submissions from 1977
Technology at the Turning Point, William B. Pickett
Submissions from 1974
Homer E. Capehart, The Making of a Hoosier Senator, William B. Pickett