

For the SCUDEM V 2020 virtual challenge, we received an outstanding distinction for modeling a bird perched on a bicycle wheel utilizing the appropriate physical equations of rotational motion. Our model includes both theoretical calculations and numerical results from applying the Heaviside function for the swing motion of the bird. We provide a discussion on: our model and its numerical results, the overall limitations and future work of the model we constructed, and the experience we had participating in SCUDEM V 2020.

Author Bio

Miles Pophal will graduate in the spring of 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and will pursue his Ph.D. in pure mathematics. He has ambitions to continue his research in uniformly elliptic PDEs and teach mathematics in higher education.

Chenming Zhen graduated in the summer of 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in mathematical science and aerospace engineering, and is pursuing his Ph.D. in applied mathematics also at Florida Institute of Technology. He has ambitions to continue his research in partial differential equations and apply it to engineering fields, especially in the aerospace/mechanical industry.

Henry Bae is currently studying for a Bachelor of Science in computer science at Harvard University. He has ambitions to continue his research in artificial intelligence and applied mathematics.
