The Hadamard product (denoted by∗) of two power series A(x) =a0+a1x+a2x2+···and B(x) =b0+b1x+b2x2+··· is the power series A(x)∗B(x) =a0b0+a1b1x+a2b2x2+···. Although it is well known that the Hadamard product of two rational functions is also rational, a closed form expression of the Hadamard product of rational functions has not been found. Since any rational power series can be expanded by partial fractions as a polynomial plus a sum of power series of the form 1/(1−ax)m+1, to find the Hadamard product of any two rational power series it is sufficient to find the Hadamard product 1/(1−ax)m+1∗ 1/(1−bx)n+1 = (1 +ax)m∗(1+bx)n/(1−abx)m+n+1.The Hadamard product of negative powers of quadratic polynomials have also been derived.
Faculty Sponsor
Ira M. Gessel
Recommended Citation
Kar, Ishan
"A New Method To Compute The Hadamard Product Of Two Rational Functions,"
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal: Vol. 23:
1, Article 3.
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