

On weaving products such as fabrics and silk, people use interlacing strands to create artistic patterns. Repeated patterns form aesthetically pleasing products. This research is a mathematical modeling of weaving products in the real world by using cellular automata. The research is conducted by observing the evolution of the model to better understand products in the real world. Specifically, this research focuses on the repeat length of a weaving pattern given the rule of generating it and the configuration of the starting row. Previous studies have shown the range of the repeat length in specific situations. This paper will generalize the precise repeat length in one of those situations using mathematical proofs. In the future, the goal is to further generalize the findings to more situations.

revision.pdf (79 kB)
Record of where the revisions are made

source file.zip (2170 kB)
Source LaTex file of the latest version

old version.pdf (2333 kB)
Paper in old format to help find out where revisions are made
