

Oftentimes, it becomes necessary to find approximate values for definite integrals, since the majority cannot be solved through direct computation. The methods of tangent line and tangent plane approximation can be derived as methods of integral approximation in two and three-dimensional spaces, respectively. Formulas are derived for both methods, and these formulas are compared with existing methods in terms of efficiency and error.

Author Bio

Meghan Peer is a 2014 graduate of Saginaw Valley State University with a B.S. in applied mathematics and a minor in computer science. She authored a proposal resulting in the award of a mathematics research grant in the amount of $2,500 by the Student Research and Creativity Institute at SVSU. The results of this research were presented at conferences both at the state and national level, including the 2013 Mathematical Association of America Michigan Section in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and the 2014 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland. She is currently working in the insurance industry in the field of actuarial mathematics, and is pursuing the ACAS (Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society) designation. In her free time, she enjoys marathon training and outdoor activities.
